Modifying coarse and refine recipes?

    Aug 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Is there any way to modify both the shop cost and block exchange rates on the recipes that change what levels of ore you have?

    For example, Refine Vapecide turns 10k level 1 Vapecide into 1 level 2 Vapecide and Coarse Vapecide turns 1 level 2 into 10k level 1 Vapecide. I want to change this value (10k) to 100 ore even 10.

    I also want to make the cost to buy "Refine _____" and "Coarse _____" recipes in the shop to be significantly more expensive. These are far too accessible for me with how much power they give.

    Note: I'm not talking about the standard recipe costs. I already know how to alter those and the standard shop cost for the blocks they make, but even with that ability, I feel like I can only go so far on balancing.
    Sep 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would also like to know this. I\'ve seen it done before on another server, at least the exchange rate change...
    Sep 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    A few minutes after posting, I have an answer!

    Digging around the startmade files I found this: Starmade/data/config/BlockConfig.xml

    there are entries for all the different recipes you can purchase from the shop after the block data, including coarse/refine, convert from hull to wedge, etc. By modifying these values you can change the cost to buy the recipe, the conversion rates, or even make completely new recipes yourself with several different inputs/outputs.

    you could implement a way to \'paint\' blocks using this for instance. say, take any color block and paint as input and output colored block of the same color as the paint.

    Certain people might be able to use this to modify the economy if they feel up for a challenge! have fun!