Mission Fleetworks

    Jan 7, 2014
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    damn, im so tempted to go pissed off fanboy/ geek on you right now, no actually i will.... STAR CITIZEN? HALO? WTF its EVE man, get ur head outta the ground!
    Sorry, that was out of context. I meant that I was looking for a Halo/Star Citizen theme[DOUBLEPOST=1412918894,1412918291][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Hmm, would the spirit of fire be something of interest?

    And will you be building capital ships or small-ish ships?

    Alright well I've found that using rock and hull looks quite nice
    I'm building smaller ships at the moment, but I have a fairly large ship in construction right now. The larger ships will understandably be a bit dull and lacking in color with more focus on block placement detail, but the smaller ships I am thinking of giving a color scheme to.
    I don't know whether you are referring to the canon Spirit of Fire or Skylords take on it, but either way, my ships already have the grey color scheme. Although I have been quite inspired by the canon Spirit of Fire, i'm planning to (probably not so soon) build a larger ship capable of deploying modular base components and a wide variety of ships much like the Spirit of Fire. I also plan to implement the something similar to it's science lab, which I think Skylord did a fantastic job of, to one of the next larger ships I build.

    I've never really given rocks a chance. I always use system parts for detailing, although I think I might start using a terrain. Thankyou for your suggestion :)
    Jan 7, 2014
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    I'm taking a break from this build for a little bit to design a carrier and because I need a short break in general. I'll still provide some updates that I have already completed though.
    Jan 7, 2014
    Reaction score
    This thread has been dead for a very long time. I'm finally back. I will be uploading a myriad of ships starting with my new project, the Combatant-Class Destroyer. This project has undergone work for quite a bit, and i'll be giving it it's own thread shortly. It's my biggest work yet.


    Simply complicated.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Very nice designs. Nothing wrong with lots of grey in my opinion... Sometimes ships can be a bit TOO colorful and bright to look realistic.

    As one poster above said, color bands or line work plus greeble looks better than heaps of blue or green or white and lots of colored lit areas.

    Browse a bunch of concept art online till you find stuff you like and apply that to your designs.

    Keep up the great work!