Missile Adjustment Figures.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    With AM Cannons, one can safely assume that the Speed values are in meters per second, but what are the values in missiles supposed to mean? Are they just some arbitrary number that's thrown out and means absolutely nothing?

    With a 10x10x10 cube of BB missile arrays and all stats reduced to 1%, with the remainder dumped into Speed, any ship is still easily capable of outrunning the missile as opposed to outmaneuvering it. I tested this by having a thrust-to-mass ratio on my own ship of roughly 1:2, meaning its acceleration is horrifying. Fire a max speed missile and catch up to it within seconds.

    The values for missiles should have a much, MUCH wider range than they do right now. As it stands, if you min-max a missile array for any given value other than blast radius and possibly damage (to reach 400, where you're all set), you're shooting yourself in the foot because it's quite literally doing nothing to help.

    Reload speed can't be adjusted effectively without hundreds of missile array blocks. Speed can't be adjusted to mean anything (at 1,000 blocks, you'd think that a max speed missile would at the very least be 10x faster than a 1 block missile - rather than 0.5 m/s faster). Distance increases the distance and potentially time that the missile will float around, but that's worthless if it's impossible to hit with it in the first place.

    AM cannons have the same issue, though to a much less noticeable extent as AMCs improve in all areas drastically as you add more blocks (to a point - but their efficiency is far greater than missiles).

    tl;dr - Weapon adjustment values need to do something. Reduce a value to 0% and it represents 0% output in that aspect, but at 1%, it's more like 50% capacity for that aspect. You can never double your fire rate by halving your damage for any weapon, for instance. You can't actually gain anything by nerfing other aspects of your guns.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    IMO missiles shouldn\'t have a static speed, but rather accelerate like a ship. Then you\'d have to adjust payload, turn speed, thrust and burn time depending on what kind of ship you want to hit, and you would try to outmaneuver rather than outrun them.

    Would be even better if missile defence was added in, that would be kind of awesome.

    Edit: This would also allow for applying current ship momentum to missiles, making non-stationary combat much more sensible.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I\'m pretty sure the missile speed is Speedx10m/s. I was testing with 20 missile arrays with a speed of 2.2 and they were going about 22m/s (much slower than any ship)

    They also do 0 damage to shields unless they do more damage than shield available, so they can\'t even help burst down shields.

    Missiles I\'ve found are worthless, for everything you are better off just using AMCs.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I had set my missile speed to .2 and found they were going around 25m/s meaning there is an initial velocity that the speed stat is being added to and the speed stat does not contribute much. Currently missiles can only be used as siege weapons as they move just far too slow to hit a moving target, but if used correctly can penetrate very powerful shields.
    Sep 1, 2013
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    Since the last missile damage update, i think the dumbfire missile ist totally worthless because it dors not really make any damage.A weapon system i built(over 4000blocks) should be really efficient and should blow a quite big hole, but the hole it blows has a diameter about 12 blocks....thats nothing. adjusting it to more damage(you can reduce the radius for this, still works) makes the holes bigger but it still does not fit to the shier size of the weapon system.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    I can decimate any ship in one salvo. Just get your missles sorted. 560-600 dmg per missile, then adjust radius and speed.

    Dumbfire are the best missiles out of the 3 types.

    They are the fastest and do most damage.

    KB arrays (heatseekers) will target your own goddamned turrets... I know they won\'t break anything that has shields but they are just a waste of space then. + They are slower.

    SD-BB arrays are just useless because you can\'t get a lock on an eney ship unless it\'s freaking massive. They also take a penalty to damage and speed and pretty much all stats as a result of being targeted missiles. Useless fighting any fast moving ships.

    Use a wide spread of Dumbfire arrays. I use 32 in banks of 8. Once you order them up properly and make them work, you can cover a wide radius and deal horrifying amounts of damage. Titans literally cannot run away from a \'\'shotgun\'\' missile, especially if you rebalance them for Speed and Radius, taking time from reload and range.

    The same really goes for lasers. Reduce range to 1.6km maximum and rebalance from there. It\'s pointless to have lasers shoot further than you can see - better off shooting faster projectiles that get to the enemy quicker

    12 blocks? odd. The blast penetrates a lot of layers and damages blocks behind the layers that get annihilated. Once it hits system blocks, it\'s game over.
    Jul 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i think we need more missile types. maybe some locking type that is fast, but delivers shit for damage. also the locking system is jacked. with a ship large enough to hold a missile bank of any useful size, your turn speed is so slow that you wont be able to keep shit bags in your reticle for long enough to get off. (i like the turn speed being slow for big ships though. so dont give me flame for that :P)

    or maybe the more blocks you have clumped together, the more you can fire in rapid succession. say your fast fireing missiles can fire 6 but then have a 60 second reload. if you have a huge bank of block on it, maybe it can fire 10 and then suffer a 20 second reload... idk, tons of ideas swimming through my head. i\'m pretty sure i\'m going to have to wait until the game is opend up to modding before i get to see most of these, but i wanted to throw my 2 cents in.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    I agree the stat limits are stupid max radius is 50 (took me ALOT of blocks)but reload will still be 6 sec and speed is horrible.

    Also missiles aren´t fired properly (they get shoot from the inside of the weapon blocks)

    All stats need to get opened far more than they are now building more than 1k is pointless