Mirror Blocks When Replace Mirroring


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    • Thinking Positive Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Okay, bit of a clunky title, but bare with me, por favor.

    Was working on a big glass dome for a station, so I used my mirror axis and build helper to make a nice big dome out of cubes. Then I went and used Remove/Replace to replace the cubes with all the various wedges, tetras, etc I needed.

    Replace worked fine on the quarter I was working on, but the replaced blocks did not mirror on the other 3/4's of the structure. So if I replaced a cube with a wedge facing right on the right hand side, I would expect said wedge to be facing left on the left side, but it was still facing right.

    Could we extend the mirror algorithm to work with Remove/Replace?
    Last edited:
    Jul 22, 2016
    Reaction score
    This would be great, also if it's difficult to implement and/or low on the priority list it'd be great to just have a message pop up if you have both mirror and replace selected at the same time saying that the orientation of replaced blocks won't be mirrored properly. I know when I first discovered this bug I stopped working on a ship I'd spent a couple weeks on because of how frustrating it is to try to find everything you need to undo without creating small mistakes/non-symmetrical blocks.

    Also here is the phabricator link for the bug report: ⚓ T2020 Replace + Symmetry Does Not Mirror Orientation