Read by Council Mini Cubes


    Grand Admiral of The Infection Initiative
    Mar 8, 2014
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    So my Idea is to create custom character,armor,weapons,utilities and headmets like ships.
    Let me start by characters: Being able to create your own character before the game starts with body parts(this means;head,arms,body,legs)that will give you special abilities,diffrent type of body like beeing able to resist the cold or hot,breathe under water,have extra lives,run walk faster,jump,staying invicible and so on.So this means create your own species.

    Now Armor:So for the armor;my idea is mini cubes,you will be able to access thoes minicubes by an armor factory.what it will do,it will appear like ship build mode but with a player/character imagine the player is the core so basecly you will put minicubes on your body and assyn to like front armor,leg armor mor you have minicubes more you are heavy but like a ship have more hp,something else is like put some ammo/ennergy pouches for custom weapons,so you can reload or for grenades torches things like that beeing able to make a bag pack to have more storage.This will make speacial armor for your faction.
    An other Idea is having scientist/armor makers that will generate random armor,when they will finish it will apear on your screen if you want to test it and send it to the factory for mass production.

    Headmets:basecly same thing but with special abillities,like put a flashlith,termal vision(but if your species can already do this no need)scaners,tactical battlefield beeing able too see out of the atsmosfhere and more.

    Weapons:Weapons will be like turrets.where you can put mini cannons,where your character will crab the weapon,if it uses lasers or bullets.Or make a grenade,rocket launcher,bomb or use weapons npc makers the same thing as the armor system with the scientist/armor maker.

    And last being able to make your mining tools,mutation tools,scanners.

    All by using minicubes to make thoes items.
    Why so you can make evrything custm and make your sci-fi empire com making the best game ever.

    To avoid Fps drop I'm proposing that the mini cubes will merge to format one entity.
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    Pipe-God-Emperor of starmade
    Nov 29, 2013
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    weapons and armour yes.
    everything else, no.

    and now to wait for the LoD system before I say anything else.
    Aug 1, 2015
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    or maybe on the main menu have a selection screen for different skins that you can mix and match,or even a link to the community content page for downloads?
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Ummmmmmmmm.......Customizable things are coming, sometime. Or at least, so I've heard. Mini-cubes are a way to lag the game to a halt. Seriously. You can't get around the fact that there's a lot of lag that'll result from having more entities with more and more blocks in the game. You can't reduce the number of blocks unless you always place them in such a way that they can be merged into fewer polygons (Rectangular prisms or cubes, mostly). Merging all of their health and such would help a bit, but the game's still rendering and tracking a hitbox/collisions (Maybe) on all these little polygons....which is a problem.

    In other words, customization is perhaps more likely to be relegated to FPS-esque prefabricated components that you mix and match to customize things.

    Perhaps as a mod you could become able to change your species and its attributes, but that, as far as I know, is unlikely.


    Nov 11, 2013
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    Blockstorm is an FPS minecraft like game that allows custom character bodies and weapons to be created using mini blocks. I dont know what exactly the difference is in the coding but it's not a lag mess.

    I like the idea, but i think i would prefer it to be something outside the main game, as it is in Blockstorm.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    I can't confirm anything fully just yet, as how handheld weapon customization will work is still in preliminary talks with the team. However I can say that it isn't likely we'll do a "build your own weapon block by block" system (though it was discussed early on), but we will likely be doing a modular system. I doubt it will be anything so extensive as Fallout 4, but we are working on sorting out how the system will work both from a dev and player standpoint.
    Making handheld weapons
    FSM, #15