Merchants, cops, bounty hunters

    Jul 13, 2013
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    You know? We have shops, and we have pirates. but how does the shop get a new syupply of pver expensive junk that no one needs? How bout a new mob? Merchants. Large ships with large holds full of stuff. Ok shields, but mostly defenceless. It has several weak turrets, and a very small fighter company, but an escort... yes police do as much as they can to keep these supply routes secure. from planet to planet, dropping off goods to cities, shops, space stations, EVERYTHING! Hyper drive routes will be seen on the map, so you can be able to hijack one if you want, but its tricky.


    Yes, i know what your thinking. Your thinking "But Random! there are already cops! and you are sexy!" But ive blown many shops apart to test this urban legend, and no police have been spawned. So i say, hurry up! We need real Police! Ones with good shields! Good weapons! Bases! Mother ships, fighters, carriers, so on so forth! but they need to look snazy! (I cant believe i just wrote that! :L ) So yeah. Schema, if you read this, make sure to make them powerful, but cool aswell.

    Bounty Hunters

    Yes, i thought of it! bounty hunters! If you commit any sort of crime, a bounty is put on your head. Depending on the hunter, the price and your ship, bounty hunters will decide if it is worth it to take you in. if your a petty thief and killed and looted another pilot for no reason, then a high quality bounty hunter wont hunt you down. if you destroy everything in your path, then eventually, you will have 200 bounty hunters killing each other for the bounty. Even bounty hunters can be arrested. if they kill anyone innocent just to get to you, they will be arrested.


    If, lets say, you destroyed a police station on accident, police will be patrolling planets, shops, stations, and pretty much anything. Hopfully all these people ive listed will have player modles, but im not sure. Depending what you do with your life, you can become anyone of these. if you slaughter or immobilize a bunch of pirates, you can chose to be a cop. If you capture or kill some players with bounties on their heads, you can be a bounty hunter. If you sell a bunch of stuff to shops, then you can be a merchant. If you get a bounty of your head, your a pirate. And the higher you get your requirments, the higher level BH, police, or merchant you become.
    May 31, 2013
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    Not bad ideas, but a few of these we have, merchants are called \"tradding guild\" they also act as police. I am all for the bounty hunters and player modles. tradding guild also restock the shops (PS shops arent that expensive)
    Jul 13, 2013
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    I guess, but I\'ve never actually seen any NPC ships that aren\'t pirates.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    shoot a shop 3 times and wait a while, check your navigation every few minutes and they should pop up and attack you.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    Maybe have a small bounty for each pirate ship a player kills, payable from the next shop. Also have the guild post bountys on players who attack guild ships and the shops.

    Have a change from the crazy amount of loot that pirates drop, add a plex locker to the ships that the player has to loot instead of the loot drop.
    Jul 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    The problem with that is that we want people to kill pirates. Pirates are criminals so... Yeah. Pirates+cops=blood and rewards. Not bounty for killing the pirates...
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The loot drop depends on how big the pirate ship is, say you defeated a super titan pirate, there would be a shit ton of loot.