Make the shield bubble linear


    Professional Quickfire Hater
    Nov 8, 2017
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    I just made a 600 block PvP ship and I had to run rechargers along the entire length of my ship and the bubble just barely covered it. The shields didn't help me too much, cause in a test fight with an alpha, I took damage without dropping my shields.
    Sep 14, 2017
    Reaction score
    Make your system a cube. If your charger is linear, it will have negative integrity which will result in feedback damage when your shields are hit. This is an intentional feature of the new shield/integrity system to counter a major exploit where by players would make "spaghetti" ships (large ships constructed from long skinny spaced out strands of blocks) so that weapons fire would mostly pass through the ship without doing damage. The integrity formula will likely change in the near future to address things like small builds.


    Professional Quickfire Hater
    Nov 8, 2017
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    • Legacy Citizen
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    Make your system a cube. If your charger is linear, it will have negative integrity which will result in feedback damage when your shields are hit. This is an intentional feature of the new shield/integrity system to counter a major exploit where by players would make "spaghetti" ships (large ships constructed from long skinny spaced out strands of blocks) so that weapons fire would mostly pass through the ship without doing damage. The integrity formula will likely change in the near future to address things like small builds.
    Yeah but what I'm saying is this. You have 1 recharger. It has a radius of 5. 2 have a radius of 10 and so on.
    Sep 14, 2017
    Reaction score
    Oh, no that does not work because ships scale up in three dimensions; so, bubbles need to scale up in 3 dimensions otherwise you allow spaghetti ships in the high mass ranges. Think of it like this: a 100m cube has a volume of 1,000,000m^3, but a 200m cube has a volume of 8,000,000m^3. So doubling your shield bubble radius gives you 8 times the coverage; and should therefore cost 8 times as many chargers.

    Another way to look at it is if you make a charger that is 3x3x3 blocks, it should take a charger that is 6x6x6 blocks to double its radius.

    Also, as far as I can tell, there is a bit of "free" radius that the system gives you so that really small shields can still cover something meaningful, which may contribute to apparent fall off, but this is just a flat bonus that becomes statistically insignificant on bigger ships, not some aggregating penalty.