Make Sector Sizes Adjustable, and Larger by Default

    Jul 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    First let me say how shocked and befuddled I was when I watched that video some guy made trying to reach the speed of light in Starmade, in which he explained that "sectors sizes are based on how long it takes you to pass through them. So at these speeds, I'm creating sectors that span entire star systems."

    ???? ... !!!!??? .... !!!!!

    I'd like to suggest (big smile!) that the default size of a sector be a static value. Once in a while when some action goes down on my server, I like to warp in and observe the battle, which generally consists of two massive ships strafing in the same direction for about 10 minutes, blinking in and out of existence as each sector that they pass through loads them in. Turrets disappear, hang back, reconnect, and nobody's guns are really doing much of anything once they reach speeds above 25 m/sec.

    If sectors were a bit larger, at least one part of space combat would become less derpy. Not only that, but I believe issues associated with collission prevention, epic-sized builds, and server physics repository problems would also be greatly reduced.