Make scanners disable cloaking/jamming for a certain amount of time

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Video Genius
    • Legacy Citizen 4
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    Right now i think radar jamming vs scanning is very unbalanced.
    - a radar jammer only needs one radar jammer while the scanner needs many scanner blocks.
    - scanners take a lot of power while radar jammers don't usually take as much (depends on ship)
    - a radar jamming ship only needs to re click their radar jammer to re-jam while a scanner needs to wait a long time.

    this basically makes so that scanners are not effective in disabling a radarjammer to the extent where one can lock on a lock on missile. i think that a scanner should make a ship who was un radar jammed not able to re activate their radar jammer for 5 seconds, instead of just deactivating it.