Suggestion Make Modding Sub-Forums clearer in purpose

    May 26, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Reading a few threads, I don't think I'm the only one who gets a little confused on the best place to have 'discussions' on modding-related issues rather than just 'announcing'

    Could I request a pinned thread at the top of each to give a clear outline of what type of topics are apropos for which sub-forum? I'd be happy to write them myself... I think it would help new people coming to the Modding forums immensely.

    For example, I wanted to ask a question about data oddities in the blueprint header files, and after reading several threads in each sub-forum, decided WIP might(?) be the best place, rather than say Third Party Software. Thread link: [Header.smbph bounding box oddities].
    [DOUBLEPOST=1451631076,1451629853][/DOUBLEPOST]After some more browsing, it appears it should have just been posted under the part 'Mod' forum.

    Maybe just posting and pinning Omni's description for each one in each one would help anyone who wanders to deep, with a pointer back to the parent forum for general topics?