Read by Council Make Jump Drives a Capital system and give Regular Ships Warp

    move Jump Drive to capital system, but make their range the whole galaxy... give small ships warp.

    • yes

    • no

    • why not both?

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    May 24, 2015
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    So the idea is:
    move Jump Drive to capital system, but make their range the whole galaxy, and then give small ships warp. Like in Star Trek.

    So barring any programming issues that would be required to implement this suggestion. Such as IF there was a way to make this happen with collision checks and everything (don't want people warping into planets), would you guys think this is a good idea?

    what's a capital system?
    Well, these are systems for capitol ships which are a feature that haven't been added to the game yet. Schema has said that there will be capitol ships. Think of capitol ship as a hybrid between a regular ship and a station. It can have some station modules such as factories, and shipyards, but it's supposed to be like supper slow, or maybe it wont move at all...

    But there are plans for a hyper drive system for them. which is best equated to star treks warp system. Basically it takes a bit to charge up, you start going supper fast, you need to steer while doing this and then you decide when to drop out of hyper space.

    I've always thought that "hyper drive" or "warp" was better suited for smaller ships, while the Jump Drive which instantly transports you to another location is more suited to the big lumbering capitol ship. Hence this poll.
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    Feb 2, 2015
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    Jump drives are already a thing that works best on larger ships, though having something for smaller ships sounds noice


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I'd imagine "warp drive" as ignoring everything around it. A warping ship would not collide with or even load entities in its path, and anyone in the sector would not see the ship warping by. However, planet sectors, sun sectors, and any sector with an inhibitor active would drop the ship out of warp. (However, scanning near a recent warp path would reveal the current location of the ship up to a certain number of systems)
    Aug 14, 2013
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    There is a plan to add some sort of hyperspace mechanic that is a stay in FTL while traveling method which is supposed to be a capital ship system. Personally I would like to see both options available to any ship and not just be restricted to "capital ships". I also don't like the idea of warp because even if you remove collision checks you still have to load entities. Warping past a planet will have to load that planet even if you can not even interact with it. When you warp past other players your ship has to loaded in as well, and can potentially be viewed warping through other entities. I'm all for constant fast travel but my vote is really for a system more like Stargate's hyperspace then Startreks warp/

    Now as for being able to instantly move any ship anywhere in the galaxy that would unbalance jump drives far to the other side. Right now they are kind of weak but if you can go anywhere at anytime with one jump that would pretty much make them OP by removing any need for warp gates. "Capital Ship Systems" has also not even been defined yet so we don't know what it will entail as well. Jump drives do need balancing but I don't think this is the solution.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Sven_The_Slayer Well, perhaps not a whole galaxy of range. I think the idea is that you could have a massive supercarrier, or a mothership and a fleet, gather them all at a staging area, and jump the entire fleet into a battlezone a few systems away. Basically, turn jump drive from the standard mode of movement to a sort of 'mobile warpgate', perhaps with a really long interruptable charge time of .75 to 1 minute.
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