Magna Ferrum


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Railman Gold
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Wired for Logic Gold
    I present the Magna Ferrum, my first attempt at building a capital scale ship:


    There are 3 things I would like to explain:

    1. This ship is very under shielded for its size. The lack of shields was a trade off that had to be made in order to accomadate an exceedingly large reactor (more on that later)
    2. This ship has no weapons. Due to current budget constraints on spawning (the credit limit) I built it without weapons, however it's power stats are exceedingly high and should be enough to power whatever monsterous weapons you decide to mount in its 2 main cannon barrels at the top and bottom of the image (There is a black line half way down the barrels that marks the half way point, this is to make it easy divide it exactly between two block types when the weapons update comes out)
    3. This ship has no turrets. I would have liked to add turrets (and more details) but I'm right up against the against the credit limit as it is. As a partial remedy to this there are 8 docking ports each capable of suporting a medium sized turret.

    Role in a fleet:
    Personally I would use this ship for one of two roles in a fleet:

    1. Heavy fire support, its low shields but insanely high potential damage output and range make it ideal for this role.
    2. Carrier, The two main gun barrels could easily be repurposed as fighter bays, leaving the secondary cannons around the cockpit as its only weapons.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Looks really nice! You should post some more pictures or different views.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Railman Gold
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Wired for Logic Gold
    At 564m long I am having trouble fitting it all in one picture, increasing render distance isn\'t helping.
    Aug 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    Try increasing the Max Segments in Graphic Memory. The draw distance can be kicked up to 200 and you can see asteroids, shops and starbases in the next sector or two but if you don\'t allow the game to render all the segments of the ship you\'ll never see the whole thing.

    Additionally, in flight mode you can hit the right shift then the left shift and this will give you the ability to view your ship from any angle centered on the current cockpit or the core. Just hold down the left shift (or is it ctrl?) and scroll the mouse wheel out to view the whole ship.