Lot of suggestion!

    Jul 16, 2013
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    Hellow guys,

    First lets say that i usualy give a game 24 hours of game before making any judgment on a game. However sometime game are that good that i can decide before. After a couple of hours i already fell in love for Star-Made. There is a lot already in there and as far i seen there a lot to be added already.

    #1 : Money for everyone

    I love the mining system you added and as i understand it you can raid pirate to take over there ressource. Both are great way to make money but in my opinion there another one. If there shop i would guess that there is then some kind of exchange. If you where adding commercial ship to the game you could then add a new way to make money. By becoming one of those ship, having your own shop station or attacking those commercial ship.

    The commercial system would then work like a Docking system where you have to dock on a shop so it give you material that you have to deliver into another system. More commercial module you have on your ship the more money you can make from one travel but those gonna require more truster to be able to move fast. Wich mean that you may be slower when you are loaded. Wich gonna make yourself a better target for any pirate around.

    So from there you can decide yur way. Would you be a quick commercial ship? A dangerous pirate or just a shop owner making money from people buying your stuff? Its would be up to the player to know if they want to mae money the passiv way or the active way.

    #2 : Weapon! Boom!

    Alright weapon are alway fun... It make big boom, destroy stuff and give you power. But do you really plan on adding only "energy" weapon to your game? somehow i could want to have munition for some big ass weapon such missile launcher. But not only that... Having amunition could give ability to use then other system like Mine launcher. Yeah... What about you are fellowed by a bunch of pirate ship that try to murder your face and and then you realise those stupid pirate don't want to give up! Well that where a space mine could be nice to deploy. Press a button and boom a little explody cube is deployed from your cargo bay.

    That also could open the way to have small little combat drone. Or even mining drone for that matter. Little, Slow, but automated to go, take block and come back. Perfect to set a nice little mining operation. Those whould be bound to the ship and would fellow him around making them usefull in combat situation for big space station you could deploy a swarm of combat bot. Those would be unit that you buy and if they got destroyed then you can't use them back. You have to buy more.

    #3 : Coding costum code of madness... Or something like that!

    Alright... So those damn pirate once again tryed to murder your face while traveling around with your mining ship. Its a shame but you now know where they are. System omega, sector 2. Big big station with damn turret that you are not able to take out. Or are you?

    If i would have been in real life (i would be a geek... but still) i would have make a couple of small AI controled drone with lot of explosive on the core and so cloack system. I would have programs those AI to drive the bomb right on the space station and cloack themself before they reach the dangerous zone and then... BOOM Bye bye turret! I could then come and salvage the stuff with my mining ship!

    Or maybe i just want to code a AI to travel between two shop and load/unload material to generate me money. If you played minecraft i think about a computercraft lua system... Something that can accept command line and add exception and such. Like If attacked then do X

    #4 : I want to know! And i want to believe...

    Alright now that i can make drone, and AI controled ship. There the question on how i detect stuff around. I have a map but what the point if i can't take a look at more. So what about a complicated radar system that give ability to listen to what going on? Well obviously having such technologie would help keep track of your little probe you send ahead to scout for pirate. But wait... How is that probe send you information? Oh right... That new communication block that give ability to send message trough some sector. Maybe a limite of 2? So i could make relay and such to plan ahead and set-up my very own (and hiden) communication aray across the galaxy?

    #5 : The end... sadly...

    But where is that all bring us? You have AI that can fly ship around, communication system, Lua basic AI programation. And all that for what? Well... Costumisation. I love making stuff on my own. With those suggestion there basicly no limit. I could create a commercial ship system that if attacked send message to a station that then unleash 3-4 fight drone that are sent to the fighting zone and try to kill the pirate. I could then send a salvager AI ship to salvage the remaining. But it would all require to build the stuff to make it work. It would take a lot of time and work and engenering to make sure that all working according to plan.

    I don't know why but that make me dream.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    The point of a sandbox style game is not to have a block for every situation, but to have a few blocks with endless possibilities (and no... no programming...) . Also, it gives me the shivers when people talk about realism in a game... seriously, this game is not a space sim. If you really want realism, go outside. In addition, you say that you usually play a game for a full day before making suggestions, it takes about a month on a sandbox type game such as starmade to truely understand whats possible. If you played a little longer, you would\'ve realized that most of what you want is possible already. Think outside the box.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    #1 : Money for everyone

    umm...... if you only have 1 docking module on the ship larger ships cant dock, only midget ones can.

    #2 : Weapon! Boom!

    they already have missile launchers and explosives.

    #3 : Coding costum code of madness... Or something like that!


    #4 : I want to know! And i want to believe...

    red arrow=pirates

    light blue arrow=trading guild

    darker blue arrow=your ship

    dark brown=asteroid

    light brown arrow= other player

    purple arrow=shop

    #5 : The end... sadly...

    Jul 16, 2013
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    This is fairly fun to tell me to think outside the box. You say yourself that \"but to have a few blocks with endless possibilities\" which is exacly the goal. No one speak of a block that you clic and let it go. A block with endless possibilitie is a block that you can made many usage of. Curently the only endless thing are the design of the ship.

    As for realism in game that don\'t mean it need to be a simulator. And telling me to go out is pointless since i hardly doubht i can have space ship... I can understand that the gameplay suit you perfectly but yet again its all about customisation. Where you may not love the idea of designing such system some other could enjoy doing that. And its where its important to not stop at what you guys love and think more about the other player that then could have another gameplay in mind. Cause indeed someone that love to be a pirate would be happy to just plunder ship around. but then someone that is more engeneer would expect to be able to play with more complexe system.

    This is the base of a sand box. Sometime you want to make a sand castle but sometime you prefere to make other stuff. If then someone come and say \"Hey! I love making sand castle so make some too!\" it basicly kill the basic of a sand box game.

    \"umm...... if you only have 1 docking module on the ship larger ships cant dock, only midget ones can.\"

    I agree but somehow i could prefer if a bigger ship can still do it but with more problem. Which could lead to need more time to work around those problem. Or more engenering.

    \"they already have missile launchers and explosives.\"

    Which is not the same as i proposed :)


    I don\'t agree. Its only OP if its too easy to do so. Its not if at the end every little structure you have cost a lot and have to be protected to avoid being destroyed. No one talk about something that you just put there and boom its immortal. We speak about little technologie that can be destroyed by pirate and such. As for programation its OP only if its easy. But yet again it can be costly to buy those multiple module and even more if you plan to use those to make them explode in a mine or be maybe destroyed as a commercial ship.