Lost all my ships!!!!

    Jul 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi guys hoping all my ship are not lost .... i had to shut down the server we use and when it restarted all of the ships was gone and everyone was set back to the first spawn area and only had the start up credits.

    Please can someone help me get the ships from the catalog back? the money isnt an issue but someone the ships like the one i was in the middle of building had well over 100 hours put into it.
    Dec 30, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    To shut down the server you don\'t have to click on \"Reset Universe\".

    But if you updated the server meanwhile, there is a \"backup-version-date\" .rar file around the StarMade folder which has, as the name says, a backup of everything there was in the moment of updating. You just unpack it, replace the empty StarMade with this one, and solved, more or less.
    Jul 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Well the Planets, shop etc have all reset and none of my ships or stations i built are around anymore, but atleast all the ships are saved in the server catalog now, ive lost about 2 days worth on my ship i was building as i forgot to keep it saved in the catalog but nevermind it was the main shell of the ship i was hoping i wouldnt have to start again and i dont so thank you again Michael 8)