Looking for Server Admin for Hardcore Economy Server

    Nov 8, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I've got a really neat and niche server config and items xml that is ready to be put into a server and get it tested.

    It's set up to make players really work to be able to build large ships. You'll want to really be a team player and get in with a Faction to accelerate the speed at which you can build and create new things at. We're talking rather than just needing a few credits and ores to get into factories, you'll need thousands of ore blocks just to get started. I call this balance, some might call it too grindy, but honestly, the whole, go out, find station, salvage everything and have billions ready to go is stupid. This reverses it and flips it upside down making the game a long, "grindy" buildup to getting somewhere. It'll be a very niche crowd that enjoys this, but I think it is something it really needs to succeed as a MMO game.

    I can afford to pay for the (dedicated) server myself, I can setup a website, design logos (I own an online marketing business and have a staff of designers, buy the domain, etc, etc. As far as installing Starmade and maintaining it, that's the only thing I couldn't completely do myself. Admin tasks, restarting the server, etc shouldn't be too difficult to handle.

    In exchange for helping, I can pay, buy you a steam game, give you a small management fee at the end of each month, or we can talk about what you'd like.

    PM me and we can chat further via Skype or Email