Looking for a REALLY GOOD whitelisted building server.

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi, I'm looking for a sever that is a building server. I have yet to see anything but Cube Turds of death everywhere. And massive ship grave yards next to the spawn. I build epic things in minecraft and do youtube videos and would like to show off some of the communities creations. I also made a gundam so far as my attack ship.

    I have yet to see any descent large mother ships, spacestations, or even anything built on a planet. It's like everyone just makes a cube turd of death and wants to shoot everyone else. while that's fun and all I believe in making good looking stuff then outfitting it the best you can, over funtional/invincible junk. Also a whitelisted server I'm sure will help cut out the griefers.

    I'm sure theirs at least someone from the minecraft building community that has started playing this game aswell and is looking for the same or already has a server.