List of in-game formulas?

    Feb 27, 2015
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    Is there a comprehensive list of in-game formulas out there? (e.g. Shield Capacity = Number of ShieldC Blocks^0.9791797578 * 55 + 55)

    I managed to find the formulas for shield and power in the wiki but there doesn't seem to be any formulas for weapon and effect modules there.

    Can I perhaps find this information somewhere within the game files?
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    Sep 11, 2013
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    I've been wondering this too. It would be awesome to be able to plan out a ship precisely.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Weapons are linear. Most keep to 5 damage per second, per block. So if the block has a reload of 10 seconds, it gains 50 damage for every block you place. Power cost is linear as well, 10 point of power for every point of damage (so you need 50 regen per weapon block). I believe the only exception to this is missile+Pulse, which has reduced damage for balance reasons, and Beams, which has a few bugs with power costs last I heard.

    Stats like Range and projectile speed are fixed in relation to server sector size and server speed respectively. When you add a slave, it changes those values in a linear manner as.
    If Cannons have a range of 5km and Cannons+beam have a range of 10km, then Cannons+50%Beam would have a range of 7.5km (an example)

    Effects attached to weapons increase the weapon group (so add the 5 dps/block as well) and then apply their effects. When not attached to a weapon, they give a boost depending on the % of the ship's block count they take up. Ion will give 60% resistance (maximum) when it is 10% of the ship's mass. If it takes up 5% of the mass, you gain 30% resistance.

    My explanation was probably bad, but weapons and effects are pretty much linear in every respect.
    Feb 27, 2015
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    Weapons are linear. Most keep to 5 damage per second, per block. So if the block has a reload of 10 seconds, it gains 50 damage for every block you place. Power cost is linear as well, 10 point of power for every point of damage (so you need 50 regen per weapon block). I believe the only exception to this is missile+Pulse, which has reduced damage for balance reasons, and Beams, which has a few bugs with power costs last I heard.

    Stats like Range and projectile speed are fixed in relation to server sector size and server speed respectively. When you add a slave, it changes those values in a linear manner as.
    If Cannons have a range of 5km and Cannons+beam have a range of 10km, then Cannons+50%Beam would have a range of 7.5km (an example)

    Effects attached to weapons increase the weapon group (so add the 5 dps/block as well) and then apply their effects. When not attached to a weapon, they give a boost depending on the % of the ship's block count they take up. Ion will give 60% resistance (maximum) when it is 10% of the ship's mass. If it takes up 5% of the mass, you gain 30% resistance.

    My explanation was probably bad, but weapons and effects are pretty much linear in every respect.
    Thanks for the explanation! That was very helpful.

    Effect modules are still a bit unclear for me though. You said Ion gets 100% effect once the module/shipblock ratio is 1:10, is this true for all the other defensive effect modules as well? What about the effects of the other modules? (Push and Pull modules are said to give bursts of motion, but how much thrust exactly are we talking about? Is it a constant amount? Or is it influenced by ship mass/number of thruster blocks?). This is why I thought it would be nice if we have a list of the formulas used by the game.

    I apologize if I'm asking too many questions, but I love designing ships and as Neon_42 said it would be nice to be able to plan it out precisely instead of having to resort to trial and error.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Generally speaking, I used this old chart

    It's stickied on the general discussion forums, little outdated with some information, but defensively it is fairly accurate I found. If nothing else, being a few test 'ships' (mainly just blobs of systems). If you do testing, make sure the effect is disabled and then re-enabled after changing the block count, else it doesn't update properly.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    CyberTao I've used this picture before, but as the units on the scales are missing they literally don't convey a concept beyond more effect or less effect. I want to know the exact numbers in energy/second, damage/sec, range, damage reduction and so on and so forth. schema if we could get the exact formulas for calculating all the properties of our subsystems it would greatly aid in ship design.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    CyberTao I've used this picture before, but as the units on the scales are missing they literally don't convey a concept beyond more effect or less effect. I want to know the exact numbers in energy/second, damage/sec, range, damage reduction and so on and so forth. schema if we could get the exact formulas for calculating all the properties of our subsystems it would greatly aid in ship design.
    Well, it is definitely outdated now, since I know punch has changed in effect.
    However some kind gent has been updating and cleaning up the wiki. If you got to the Item ID list and select the effect computers, you'll find the numbers and values you are after. (Punchthrough has yet to be updated to be in line with the update, which halved the maximum bonus (down to 15%) and % of the ship needed, so keep that in mind).
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Well, it is definitely outdated now, since I know punch has changed in effect.
    However some kind gent has been updating and cleaning up the wiki. If you got to the Item ID list and select the effect computers, you'll find the numbers and values you are after. (Punchthrough has yet to be updated to be in line with the update, which halved the maximum bonus (down to 15%) and % of the ship needed, so keep that in mind).
    Fantastic. I did not notice this. Though some of the formulas are still missing.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Well they weren't there last time I checked a week ago, the Wiki is managed by players so it may take a little bit for updates, or some parts may feel mix/matched.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Punchthrough has yet to be updated to be in line with the update, which halved the maximum bonus (down to 15%) and % of the ship needed, so keep that in mind.
    Actually both the pierce and punchthrough defensive effects are wrong and in fact reversed with regard to their effect. Calbiri's chart also has the defensive effects of pierce and punchthrough reversed. It would be good to have both of these corrected, not just with updated math, but with the 'correct' math for the 'correct' effect.
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    Actually both the pierce and punchthrough defensive effects are wrong and in fact reversed with regard to their effect. Calbiri's chart also has the defensive effects of pierce and punchthrough reversed. It would be good to have both of these corrected, not just with updated math, but with the 'correct' math for the 'correct' effect.
    To be honest, I have never used effects as a passive since they came out, and only a few as a weapon (slowly building a shell), so while I thought it was wrong, I just assumed it was right.

    You should be able to edit them if you sign up on the wiki, if you would like. I have a hard time typing sometimes so I'd rather keep my distance.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    You should be able to edit them if you sign up on the wiki, if you would like. I have a hard time typing sometimes so I'd rather keep my distance.
    I am very hesitant to do that. While I know enough to know they are mixed up, I do not know enough to be authoritative with their math. I would much rather that someone who has been around long enough to have the authority of history, as well as a greater familiarity with the mechanics, take that initiative. Note I am not saying that that necessarily should be you CyberTao.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    I don't know how to extract these formulas from the game. If I anyone can tell me how to do it, I will extract them and try and put them on the wiki myself.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    The formulas and values can be found in the blockbehaviourconfig.xml, found in /starmade/data/configs. Effects are around the bottom and weapons in the middle and other systems at the top.
    What each number means is usually found in grey text under a few of them (as examples), but it can be a tad confusing, since somethings.

    An example of how the config can be confusing can be found while looking at weapons, since all <combinations> have a +1 assumed to each value. Really throws you off if you don't know that, and I only recently found out about it, meaning all my numbers and posts about weapons previous were using the wrong values. Fun times.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Some of this is beyond cryptic. I have no idea what some of these variables are or how they are used in calculations.

    Below is the section on shields. The shield capacity is easy to understand, but calculating shield regen rate and energy consumption is not possible from what I have read. Can anyone make sense of this? Calbiri or schema, your help would be greatly appreciated. Units are not well described. It seems like different phrases are used to mean 'block count', example : Unitsize, effectBlockCount, and totalUnitShieldCapacity. Furthermore, what is the difference between a PreMul and a TotalMul, This makes sense for the Shield capacity calculation, but not for shield regen as no explicit formula is given just variables.

    Lastly, I understand that shields regen differently depending on how close they are to 100% charged, but this part is beyond cryptic in terms of figuring out a recharge rate or energy consumption.

    <!-- multiplication of mass used as max percent for defensive effects: ratio = effectBlockCount / (mass*DefensiveEffectMaxPercentMassMult)-->
    <!-- totalUnitShieldRecharge = (unitSize*ShieldExtraRechargeMultPerUnit) -->
    <!-- shieldCapacity = ((totalUnitShieldCapacity*ShieldCapacityPreMul)^ShieldCapacityPow)*ShieldCapacityTotalMul -->
    <!-- if true, the ship will have initial shields without any shield blocks. if false, the initial values are added when the first shield block is placed -->
    <!-- initial shield capacity on ships without shieldCapacity blocks -->
    <!-- initial shield recharge on ships without shieldRecharge blocks -->
    <!-- shieldCapacity = ((totalUnitShieldCapacity*ShieldCapacityPreMul)^ShieldCapacityPow)*ShieldCapacityTotalMul -->
    <!-- shieldCapacity = ((totalUnitShieldCapacity*1.0)^0.9)*55 -->
    <!-- time in secs between recharge cycles. This value is relative, so changing it won't affect the time a ship needs to fully recharge (e.g. twice as many cycles -> half as many reacharge per cycle)-->
    <!-- time, the shield will not recharge after reaching 0 -->
    <!-- this time is set to the value gives after each hit sustained. In direct recovery, <ShieldRecoveryMultPerPercent> is applied. Otherwise it's running on full recharge -->
    <!-- MAX % at high health - in direct recovery, the shield recharge will be multiplied by (1-((shield/max)*thisValue));-->
    <!-- MAX % at low health - in direct recovery, the shield recharge will be multiplied: recharge = recharge*thisValue;-->
    <!-- (when shield < 100%) per regen point -->
    <!-- (when shield == 100%) per regen point -->
    <!-- multiplication per unit -->
    <!-- unitSize^x per unit -->
    <!-- multiplied by force -->
    <!-- multiplied by force -->
    <!-- bonus mult of raw resources when salvaging with handheld salvage beam (everything between whole numbers is chance (e.g. 1.25 give 25% chance of an extra raw yield) -->


    Nov 10, 2013
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    PreMul is a factor, TotalMul is how much you get per block. A shield recharger grants 5.5 regen/sec, and is counted as 1 block. There is normally a formula within the values.
    <!-- totalUnitShieldRecharge = (unitSize*ShieldExtraRechargeMultPerUnit) -->
    <!-- shieldCapacity = ((totalUnitShieldCapacity*ShieldCapacityPreMul)^ShieldCapacityPow)*ShieldCapacityTotalMul -->
    It's just a matter of finding those values really, and comparing what you know ingame to these numbers. You have to keep in mind that there are multiple formulas working from these sections, Some are just there as basic multipliers, some are for the mins and maxes. I imagine someday someone will make a fancy editor that can read and write these values, but present it to use in a way we can understand.

    But yeah, a cryptic mess if you don't know what you are looking for. Calbiri has already said they were looking into putting more info and variables into it iirc.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Okay, but where does PreMul go? I understand TotalMul. It might be just a factor, but order of operations matter.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Okay, but where does PreMul go? I understand TotalMul. It might be just a factor, but order of operations matter.
    It's probably mixed in with unit size methinks, but I am just assuming really. Just try to focus on the values listed in the equation, it's a multiplier with a value of 1, so it makes no difference in the end.