Linking enterable blocks to cockpits

    Aug 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    Building fixed cannons operating independent from the rest of the ship is a real pain as these weapon computers seem to assign a random cockpit their own. It would be neat to link cockpits to individual sub-systems. Maybe even so switching to these systems in the tray bar switches the view.
    Also entering a sub-system switches you to a cockpit, but keeps the orientation of the system instead of the cockpit.
    Also firing weapons orientated up while ship core faces forward results in weapons being fired forwards instead of up.
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I agree!

    You can overcome the problem for now by looking directly out of the weapons computer block but only if you enter it.

    I suppose it only works for multiplayer ships, unless you want to move about mid battle! haha
    Oct 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    How about if in build mode you could link Certain Weapon Computers to Certain Cockpits therefore when you switch to that cockpit view you get the approprate weapons systems already in your hotbar.

    So Say you Desighn a Ship with Broadside Shot gun AMCs and Side mounted Heatseeking missiles, you Select the wepon computer you linkied to the port side of each of these and then Click on the port side cockpit, It gets a Purple highlight to say its linked, and you then do the same with the missiles and now when ever you look out to the Left you have the Left firieing weopons to hand.

    You would have to make it so you could link the Same computer to several cockpits as some ships may have multiple cockpits for rudundency but it should alow for you to quickly change what weapons you are using by chaning your view.