- Mail system.
You should be notified from anywhere if you receive mail, but you should only be able to write and read mail from a Mail Console. (You could also implement a feature so that players could target a ship/station and send a message to all mailboxes on that specific structure, but that sort of feature should be part of a different topic.)
- Cubatom Crafting.
Because quite frankly, the current Cubatom system is not only overpowered, but doesn't make a trace of sense. To break matter into its base components, smash it together to make different base components, then reassemble those into other macrostructures... That should require a Cubatom console block at least, if not some kind of 'particle collider'-like loop.
The way I imagine the colliders to work is, the larger your loops (Or squares, or whatever; it just has to be a form that connects back to itself at two points) are, the quicker the system can break down and materialize items. You could mount it on ships, however any decently-sized array would have to be stupidly heavy and eat tons of power, so you'd have to either have a dedicated reactor (factory) ship, or mount your cubatom collider array on a station.
- The map.
That should be some kind of projection inside a block, and it needs an overhaul; the current system is just awkward.
- [STATION-ONLY] Creating and joining factions, and changing certain settings.
These settings would include configuring rank names and permissions, manually declaring war, and offering alliances. (Peace treaty offers would remain the same.) This would provide more of a reason to visit stations. It could even be set up so that you would have to visit someone's homebase faction console to join their faction.
- Entering your ship.
Yes, I know, this doesn't count since the core already does that, but why not get in a bit of shameless self-promotion?
For more details, see this topic: http://starmadedock.net/threads/chairs-n-viewscreens-and-stuff.75/
- Accessing the structure menu.
Again, the core already does that, but there should be a way to see and use that stuff from other parts of the ship.
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