Limit Plex Storage and Chain them togther like Plex doors

    Aug 2, 2013
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    I'm not sure I am a fan of the unlimited plex storage atm.

    E.g. You can store a billion hulls in one inventory slot.

    Hell, even bring it with you on your person, enough blocks to fill an entire sector.

    I'm seeing people saying "I earn about 11k in most materials" per SECOND

    "I have BILLIONS of blocks of shields". Wtf...and I see their 1-2 plex chests... and im just wow this is so wrong...

    I think it would bring a new dynamic to the game to have MORE inventory slots per plex chest, but limit down each slot to say 10000 of any one item. BUT, if you group plex chests together, they behave like plex doors, they share their storage so you can (via some clever menus) allow you to access ALL of them at once, and group items for easy retrieval).

    So still convenient (with a well-thought out basic input/output menu), but now a lot more realistic. Maybe even have plex chests slots down to only 8 or something really small, to force people to "keep it real" e.g. have a LOT more plex chests,, more realistic to having to dedicate a cargo hold, or large room in your base purely for materials. No more this 3-4 plex chests your done system... Same for mr astronught, 10k items per inventory slot no more.

    Taking out 100000 of the plex chest group, will put in 10,000 hulls in 10 different inventory slots on the astronaut, if it fails a message could appear "Only 9 out of 10 required free inventory slots were used in the transfer (90,000) moved"

    Just something, to stop this crazy amounts of storage... also make them REQUIRE POWER!!! haha!!! (Why not seriously... another dynamic)... if you lose power your chests start spilling items slowly on a % basis of grand total in there!
    Aug 15, 2013
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    Limiting would be very pointless since it would only be a little (tiny little) bit annoying to the people and have no real effect....

    Allso limiting the carrying of materials for the astronaut would be really annoying while building
    Jul 5, 2013
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    I think you have a good idea, but there\'s a few things I would change. First of all, I wouldn\'t add a max item amount. It would only annoy a very select few people. Combing storage units would work well especially with a system for organization. This could also be implemented with gravity units to expand their radius. Secondly requiring power is a good idea, but I wouldn\'t let items drop out. Maybe instead you aren\'t able to acces your storage if they aren\'t powered, but all the items are still their.
    Aug 2, 2013
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    Cool3303 you didn\'t bother really understanding the post so no point replying to you except one thing:

    Yes it would be annoying as the astronaut holding \"limited\" blocks - but its real. This current system I think was really meant for a tester world not the real game. Still even if each slot was limited to 10k blocks each you could still easily hold half a billion (or something) blocks of one type if building a base, spread across your astronaut\'s inventory.

    Or, if in build mode, allow the astronaut to access all plex chests connected to the build object via another inventory menu button, say \"p\". Problem solved.

    But holding vast inventory should require a lot of plex chests.

    This dude just gave someone a billion hulls, because he\'s factory produces so much. From one plex chest. It\'s ridiculous.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    no you would only hold 450,000 blocks total if it was 10k per slot. How the hell do you get half a billion. What are you 5?
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Eh. Matter compression isn\'t that inconcievable for people who travel from star to star within a reasonable frame of time. I personally do agree that having a large amount of items available all the time is a bit silly, since there\'s only so much a organism can carry in a way they can hold without feeling a bit uncomfortable.

    That said, in shipbuild mode, the entire inventory plus the entirety of evey plexichest should be available.

    All other kinds of Build Mode would be restricted to whatever you have in your inventory.