Limit Faction Creation Powers

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I know that you need a faction in order to prevent yourself from being afk killed, but it disperses the community too much when you have 1:1 faction-player ratio

    If there where a server edit where the admin would add a couple of factions that anyone could join and make them free to join, you'd have much more community interaction.

    The only problem would be greifers jumping into the build block on a base and destroying it, but this can easily be prevented if you add on more to the faction permission module, allowing only certain ranks to acces certain modules.

    or just make factions like 10,000,000,000 credits to make

    Also if you're a greedy bastard you could charge people rl currency to make a faction on your server

    I just want to see more community interaction and organised factions.
    Aug 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The good about this game: it\'s a sandbox.

    The bad about this game: it\'s a sandbox.

    My point being, when you have total freedom in a game, player tend to use that freedom to reduce others freedom. Without all the trools out there, server rules only needs to be a gentlemen\'s pact, but this isn\'t that kind of world.

    Some servers have rules against 1 man faction with Home Base. Some servers have faction blocks disable. So on so on. If you\'re a server admin you can create your own rules, and suffer from it\'s consequence or beneficts.

    But yeah, some more faction love would be appreciated, specially what can each rank do or not in your faction (build, access chest, use ships, etc..). To be honest this is kind of game breaking to me. Had a hard time gettin in a faction on my first server just because I was new and no one trusted me, and I tend to aggree with you, 75-95% of one man factions disperses the community a bit.