Lights and Logic vs. Power

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I think it would be nice to have some form of "auxillary power" for when main power goes out. If I get EMP'd, or power drained, etc., it would be nice if I had a "battery backup" for things like doors, red or yellow lights, etc.

    Maybe by default if you hit zero power the core reboots and you lose all lights, thrust, weapons, etc.

    Since that sucks really bad, have an AuxPower computer you can c-v power capacitators or power modules to. If ship power hits zero, it shifts to AuxPower until 10% main power capacity is regained. AuxPower can't be drained and doesn't cut-off the ship if its power hits zero, but it has a 20%-50% power regen penalty. That way, people build some amount of "safe" power, but it's expensive enough people don't make all their power auxillary.