Light reflection on pentas/tetras/corners wonky

    Aug 4, 2013
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    As you can see here, I've got a few pentas and tetras on the nose of this fine, cheesy ship. The smaller tetra blocks reflect light seemingly normally. The larger Penta blocks do not, appearing much, much darker despite the facet being at the same angle as the facets of the tetra blocks above and below. Furb explained to me what's going on with this, how the smaller blocks are preventing light from hitting the larger blocks behind them, but this isn't the only issue.

    These blocks were added with two mirror toggles selected: XZ and YZ. On three out of four sides, the blocks form a nice, contiguous surface, even if the lighting issues make it look like I added a bunch of black wedges to it. On THIS side (upper right if one is facing it nose-on) the blocks arrange themselves in a formation that vaguely resembles shingles, with triangular indents appearing wherever penta blocks are inserted.

    For comparison, here's the underside. See? Smooth surfaces, but inconsistent light reflection.

    If you need to know my machino-specs, here's my dxdiag dump. Also, I turned off as much as I could in the advanced settings bar. No change. I'm not, like, upset or anything about this. Just curious as to whether or not I need to do something differently on my end to get them to work correctly.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Nope, the wonky normals on the new block shapes is a game issue. Not an issue on your end.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I think this issue was brought up in the last live stream, this glitch is known but the main focus is on the new additions right now. Fortunately it's only graphical and should be fixed sooner or later. It's annoying and I'm personally just ignoring it so when it gets fixed I don't have to go back and re-do any hulls.