Bug Light effects, stars not viewable through plex glass.

    Oct 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 2

    Copy of image text for those who use a translator for English:

    1: Pointed right at local star, looking through cockpit block behind glass.... Can't see shit, captain.

    2: Exact same position, viewing from build mode. OH HAI STAR.

    3: Facing away from star, glass fogs up, even though there are THREE solid blocks between it and the star

    4: Facing plex beacons, looking through glass. No visible light plume. (NOTE: Thanks to this update, plex beacons emit BLACK).

    5: Facing plex beacons, viewing from build mode, OH HAI DARK PLUMES OF EVIL.

    It is now entirely possible to fly into a star because You honestly couldn't see it there.