Let's Talk About Missiles and Rockets

    Aug 7, 2013
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    Rockets need a buff. Rocket In games or in real life have limited amounts of shots, now I’m not saying we need to have limited ammo or anything but a select number of shots before needing to reload. Let’s say I have 8 shots per launcher I could fire 2 rockets a second until I run out and then I wait for the rockets to reload and so forth. The damage system for the rockets could be almost the exact same except for reload which does need a buff. The amount of surface area on the Y or X axis would determine how many shots you could fire before reloading. The reload could be calculated per rocket so if you have 100 rockets and the reload is 1.5 it would take 150 seconds for your gun to reload all of the missiles. This would allow a small fighter to fire 8 shots and reload after that instead of firing 1 shot waiting 250 seconds then firing another. I am open to suggestions or modifications of this idea.Rockets need a buff. Rocket In games or in real life have limited amounts of shots, now I’m not saying we need to have limited ammo or anything but a select number of shots before needing to reload. Let’s say I have 8 shots per launcher I could fire 2 rockets a second until I run out and then I wait for the rockets to reload and so forth. The damage system for the rockets could be almost the exact same except for reload which does need a buff. The amount of surface area on the Y or X axis would determine how many shots you could fire before reloading. The reload could be calculated per rocket so if you have 100 rockets and the reload is 1.5 it would take 150 seconds for your gun to reload all of the missiles. This would allow a small fighter to fire 8 shots and reload after that instead of firing 1 shot waiting 250 seconds then firing another. I am open to suggestions or modifications of this idea.

    Edit* Rockets also need to fly faster maybe the amount of block the rocket speed would increase very slowly but have a starting speed of let’s say 100 kph and the formula would be: a*0.025+100=s or the amount of blocks times 0.025 plus a set speed of 100. So a big Rocket Launcher that has 1000 blocks would go 125 kph and so forth.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    rockets need to go faster, talking about ammo is usless until rockets become useful
    Jun 28, 2013
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    I complete agree, though I still do think rockets need to do more shield damage and fly faster.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Try using paragraphs. Its way easier to read.

    Ammo is a cool idea, but yeah, before a limited supply, speed needs to be looked into. Right now, I put most of the percentages into speed - which still doesn\'t do much.

    If the rocket/missile started with the SPEED THE SHIP IS CURRENTLY GOING, that would go a long way to making them more useful.
    Oct 4, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    A couple of your issues are with server settings, and not game mechanics:

    PROJECTILES_ADDITIVE_VELOCITY = false //initial projectile speed depend on relative linear velocity of object fired from

    PROJECTILES_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 //multiplicator for projectile velocity

    Well, THERE\'S your problem. The default settings kinda suck!

    Those lines may also effect AMC and other weapons, or just effect missiles, I don\'t know.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    Well that solves the speed problem but the ammo it still there. It\'s just a suggestion but so far I have all positive reviews schema if you are reading this you might want to take a look.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    As missiles are physical objects that deliver a payload, I think it would be neat if they partially ignored shields. I watched Star Trek: Into Darkness the other day and the Enterprise took a direct hit from a torpedo with some shields remaining.

    The default speed of missiles should be significantly higher. I don\'t think missiles should follow their target around, they should hurtle forward in a streak of light. Again, Star Trek. Torpedoes don\'t fly as fast as ships, they shoot at several times top speed.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
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    I would like to see a setting in the weapons interface that controls the size of the warheads, the smaller the missile the more shots you can volley.

    Missiles in general need improvement too, they shouldn\'t be as pathetic against shields as missile only fighters should be a viable combat option. Missile speed should be increased and small missiles should also be faster in speed and reload over larger ones. Doomsday planet destroying missiles should be slower to reload then your fighters missiles any day.

    I\'m not quite sure if the \"PROJECTILES_*\" settings even work (much like AI accuracy), I set the multiplier higher on my server and the missiles still chug along at slow speeds not able to hit a bloody thing.