9:24:48 PM info Low system memory (4052mb)
9:24:48 PM | Decreased default max memory from 4gb to 2gb
9:24:48 PM event Loading memory settings
9:24:48 PM | maxMemory: 2048
9:24:48 PM | initialMemory: 512
9:24:48 PM | earlyGenMemory: 128
9:24:48 PM | ceiling: 4052
A memory check is pending, I'll get back to you soon. =)
While that might not be slowing down the launcher, it is something to be worried about....
Smiling has good points on next steps. let us know about mem diag results too.
New version has been acting weird-ish for me too. Refuses to go fullscreen properly or allow afterburner/rivatuner overlay-injections. That's probably not related to you though.
Double-check your swap-file isn't doing a bunch of red/write schenanigans while launcher is open (resmon ->disk). Low sys memory stutters are usually swap-related, though i don't rule out hardfaults from bad ram sectors till you've run the overnight.
heat isn't an issue" means every temp sensor on your system is
reading less than 70 degrees celsius, correct?
Double-checking: laptop, or desktop? Hybrid graphics or dedicated or onboard/shared? if hybrid, you might need to "force the dedicated GPU to run" as it might not recognize starmade as a graphics program. Had that issue with my buddy's 2017 ROG laptop, had to turn of the low-power GFX manually whenever he ran starmade so it would use the Nvidia instead of Intel.