Latest Dev Video: Going Back to Strip Mined Systems?


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    Any game where you can't get back all the materials destroyed in a battle should have some infinite source for new materials. Sure, it's an offence to Einstein. But who cares, really? We play games to escape reality, not find equal frustrations.

    I'd say "Just expand to new star systems! New galaxies! The world is 'virtually infinite' so you'll never run-out of resources!" If disk space wasn't a thing. And can you imagine a server where all the players end-up in a ring around the spawning galaxy, leaving the center an empty void for new players to escape? Every new player has to travel further just to find starting resources!

    P.S: Why not just have suns spew out asteroids? The colder 'roids could have more momentum and the hotter ones would have less.
    Dec 8, 2014
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    I suspect that the answer to this, is a max sector cutoff size for the AI. I also suspect that this would be a temporary measure. I suspect that once npc characters are added to the game, then population will set the limit to the sectors. This would make the value of habitable planets jump. They will have benefits that stations will not have. It would also discourage strip mining, as some races will want to buy planets off of you, or be horrified if you strip mine an inhabited planet.

    But why stop here? why not add random seed quests?

    Let me explain:

    We are under the assumption that the factions will constantly expand, until they start to fight with each other. Now, what happens when that expansion gets out of hand? What happens when a new party causes trouble?

    Imagine a faction waking up an ancient machine menace that will randomly destroy a sector until you take out their skynet

    Or tyranids come out of a far sector and start eating planets down to the bed rock?

    Or some faction discovers a promethian ship filled with xenomorph eggs, and now they are facing extinction

    The type of galactic antagonist will be determined by the seed. It will be a little bit like masters of orion 2 when the antarians attack a random planet. It would also act like a controlling measure so that way the strongest faction does not keep getting exponentially stronger.
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    Reactions: kiddan
    Nov 30, 2015
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    I suspect that the answer to this, is a max sector cutoff size for the AI. I also suspect that this would be a temporary measure. I suspect that once npc characters are added to the game, then population will set the limit to the sectors. This would make the value of habitable planets jump. They will have benefits that stations will not have. It would also discourage strip mining, as some races will want to buy planets off of you, or be horrified if you strip mine an inhabited planet.

    But why stop here? why not add random seed quests?

    Let me explain:

    We are under the assumption that the factions will constantly expand, until they start to fight with each other. Now, what happens when that expansion gets out of hand? What happens when a new party causes trouble?

    Imagine a faction waking up an ancient machine menace that will randomly destroy a sector until you take out their skynet

    Or tyranids come out of a far sector and start eating planets down to the bed rock?

    Or some faction discovers a promethian ship filled with xenomorph eggs, and now they are facing extinction

    The type of galactic antagonist will be determined by the seed. It will be a little bit like masters of orion 2 when the antarians attack a random planet. It would also act like a controlling measure so that way the strongest faction does not keep getting exponentially stronger.
    Or a player anomaly;). Also, Forum changes added a new emoji!