Large amounts of AMCs on a weapon computer have performance problems

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
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    So the other day I built two large 3d checkerboard antimatter cannons. Two areas approximately 5*7*70 tiles in size, with two power rails running through each, removing 70*2 tiles from the equation for each large cannon-area, about half of the remaining space being antimatter cannons, each tile being a single weapon, resulting in approximately (5*7*70 - 2*70)/2*2 = 2310 total weapons after they were all complete. Adding an AMC to that computer, or removing one of the AMCs on that computer would result in a short framerate hitch regardless of whether the weapon computer they were on was selected or not (so it's not to do with the highlight, and likely to do with the list).

    In singleplayer, at this amount of individual weapon units, actually firing them once caused a similar framerate hitch as the game struggled to handle all the cannons and projectiles. Holding down the left mouse button was worse: it slowed the game to molasses, however. I did not upload the design to any multiplayer servers because I didn't want to inflict this kind of horror on them, and instead I deleted the weapon computer and then removed all the cannons (there was no lag this way so I'm betting the lag when removing them before was due to managing the lists or arrays of weapons).

    In retrospect, perhaps I should have uploaded the design somewhere for !!SCIENCE!! to find out if all that was only affecting my client, or if these things could turn servers into molasses as well.

    P.S. I was going to search the bugs forum to see if this was already posted, but the search button appeared to have disappeared.