
    Sep 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Whe you land you want a cool, awesome landing, but you crash into the planet.

    So a suggestion would be that you can dock on a planet like you do on a docking block, and then there could be a hatch like the one princess amidalas leader walks out before she is killed in Star Wars II. This would make the experience of space travel, and space colonization much more realistic

    Thx or reading


    Better Landing

    Hatch that opens and closes when you go near it or press a button.
    Jul 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    You can make ramps using wedge blocks pretty easily, and hatches can be made with plex doors. But if you are suggesting specifically a retractable ramp, I think that\'s got potential, but you need to consider that many landing ships have shapes that aren\'t suitable for a ramp. Perhaps if there was some sort of way to make wedge blocks activate or vanish in the manner of plex doors, then you might have something.

    In regards to \"docking\" on a planet, I\'m sorry that doesn\'t really make sense. It would also ruin the satisfaction of making a smooth entry and landing.
    Sep 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    When you say \"smooth landing\", you mean smashing into the ground nose-first at 50 kilometers per hour, right? :D
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The idea with landing gear is that it would basically allow \"anywhere docking\" with an object that has gravity (a planet, basically. Or a large station if they change the way gravity generators work).

    After all, the basic issue is that the physics engine doesn\'t like it when ships sit around on planets. So ideally landing gear would make the physics engine pretend it was docked to the planet surface and render that issue moot.

    As for how to make it work, way I see it is to do somewhat a reverse of how docking normally works: the landing gear must be of certain dimensions with regards to how far away they are from each other relative to the ship\'s size, and all the gear must be able to connect to the ground at the same level. So you\'d have to land somewhere flat, or MAKE it flat before landing there (well, technically, the places where the gear ISN\'T could be bumpy, but if those bumps poke up too high you won\'t be able to lower the belly of your ship low enough to connect the gear to the ground anyway).