
    Jun 20, 2013
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    @FunnyBunny14 If you've ever seen one of my streams you would know I can be very not nice when pushed. I'm sure Comr4de could tell you some fun stories about my streams. He'd likely get a visit from a CPS social worker depending on your age and his level of detail. All my streams have a mature content warning on them for the same reason.

    @NeonSturm I'm glad you explained it better. It's something I can bring up and if enough mod-chatter about it happens the ghost cats high upon mt schine might hear our pleas and either laugh really hard or take pity THEN laugh really hard. After that someone might consider the idea between giggle fits. Who knows. It might become a thing.

    @Comr4de Do not want.
    dude how many posts are you going to post? :p
    Aug 30, 2013
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    dude how many posts are you going to post? :p
    I don't know, but I'm going to be here for a while with a cold beer whilst a user fights a mod. Waiting for the mighty ban hammer to drop.

    Or for Comr4de to post more unintentional naughty teacher flirting posts.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    Be glad I bother to annotate what goes to who @aceface. Since double posting is not only bad manners/form but also an enforcable rule.

    @ToyotaSupra I doubt it was unintentional. You should see our Skype chats. Better than Twilight.

    AAAAnd we're off topic.

    TL : DR - No kickstarter.
    But I am running low on skooma juice, skooma bars AND skooma sauce. So if you find the donate button feel free to use it. I'm getting the shakes..​
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Even though you do not want it makes me want more : - )
    Jul 3, 2013
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    It's true that KickStarter doesn't require any deadlines - and it's more or less *free* advertising. No serious investor "gives" away huge boat loads of cash without having a vested interest. I think the donate button serves the purpose - you donate money - and Schema uses it to build the game - no other promises made. There are other ways to get the word out about StarMade - and people do check on the game - and once it hits that level that everyone can appreciate it will explode overnight like Minecraft did. I started playing minecraft in alpha at version 0.8 and I seriously didn't think it was going to catch on. My son loves playing this game - more so than minecraft. My cousins - love this game - over minecraft. This game I think will be just as popular or more popular than Minecraft.

    One day in the future you will be able to go into Toys R Us buy a plastic Isanth VI ship and an astronaut figurine for your kid or for yourself. Maybe even a station and some ore building blocks - but StarMade just isn't there yet - it takes time - it will happen - just be patient - everything good comes with patience.

    One suggestion to think about now - instead of later - is the whole "realms" thing Minecraft is doing. I enjoy running a private server - but in hot summer days in Texas - the airconditioner eats up the electric bill which means all non related server hardware gets powered down - including the Starmade server. I ran a minecraft server too - but when realms came out for Minecraft I jumped on it - because it provides an easy way to tell all my non computer illiterate friends and family how to connect to my server - and I don't have to pay for the static IP and DNS stuff any longer.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Any dirty code-thieves will have to get past Tinsy first! I'm gonna post mean comments all over their social media pages like there's no tomorrow!
    All I can think of is an angry garden gnome holding a shotgun, saying your post in a lucky charmes-esque accent: "any dirty code teeves will hav'ta get past ol' TINSY forst! Loike there's no T'morro!"

    And people STILL being scared of it.
    Aaaaand signature now :P