JustGame - Plex | Now with 250 speed limit!

    Jun 16, 2013
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    Server Shutting down soon - sorry!

    Welcome, space traveller, to our humble abode. We are JustGame, and the clue is in the name. JustGame spans many types of games, and I'm here to present our StarMade server, named Plex. We wish to cater to everyone, and the rules allow you to play your way, whether it be building or fighting.


    What's special about us?
    Quality is (probably) our middle name. We make sure all our servers have more power and bandwidth than we would possibly ever need, so if you are looking for a stable, always-online experience, try out Plex. Here's a quick rundown of features:
    • 50 player limit
    • 250 speed limit
    • Authentication optional
    • 25 blueprints
    • No whitelist
    • Updates automatically within 6 hours of a new version
    • Rock-solid stable
    If you need to know how to do something, or get to the rules, check out the JustGame wiki. If you're really dedicated, feel free to contribute to it!
    Our core beliefs are that anyone, of any age should be able to enjoy our servers without being exposed to anything they don't want to. This means keeping inappropriate content to an absolute minimum, and this includes things such as links and language.
    And remember - as with all servers, the staff have the final say. The biggest rule to follow, is to respect others. Following this will not only get you far on the servers, but far in life too. Play nice!

    You might be interested in...
    Mumble - The Mumble server is a voice server and is great for hanging out with the staff and other JustGame regulars. There's almost always someone on, and it's an amazing tool to coordinate your activity and/or faction in-game.
    Forum - The JustGame website is the hub of everything, and you can make yourself at home in our forums.
    Feel like giving some feedback? Feel free to post it below.

    By connecting to the server, you agree to follow the rules. Read them here.
    Last edited:
    Oct 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    Tried the server out today.

    The 250 kph speed is nice, I'm all about speed!

    The custom Isanth ships are great, too. Great design aesthetics, and a fair fight for players in similar-mass star fighters. I love good dog fight.

    Didn't seem to be any perceivable lag, totally necessary for epic dog fights.

    Unfortunately, the server itself is bugged real bad:
    I found and made a space station My home base. I did the basic additions to it: Faction module, Plex storage, plex doors blocking access to the faction module, an outside dock for My fighter, and a plexdoor hatch to get to said fighter.
    Happy with the simple additions to My new home, I stowed all the loot I had collected thus far in the storage, and set off to deal with a nearby pirate base and squadron of fighters. (Gotta clean up the neighborhood, you know).
    After about twenty or so minutes of fighting and looting, I return home, looking forward to sorting My spoils into the station's storage.
    I float up to the plex door, hit [R]..... and the plex block turns into grey hull! I [R] the next plex block, the same thing. I take the long way around to the inner plex doors, enter My station, enter the build block, replace the plex doors, then go to dump My new loot into the storage..... ALL OF THE STORAGE UNITS WERE EMPTY. All the thousands of ore, all the hull, all those docking expanders I bought to equip the station. Gone. The storage, and the station itself, had evidently reverted to a certain point before I had put anything into them.
    Displeased, I log off and do RL stuff. (Parallel ports, laptops, and really old MIDI hardware, glob help Me).

    So I log back in several hours later, hoping maybe the server's database had un-derpped itself. I check My plex storage: Still nothing.
    "Oh well" I think, and decide to head out to the star fighter and take out My sorrows on the nearest pirate fleet. I float over to the new plex hatch, hit [R]....... AND IT ALAKAZAM'S INTO GREY HULL.

    The custom pirates are cool, but there's no point in playing if everything I work for disappears into the ether. Either that, or My station's haunted.
    Jun 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    I float up to the plex door, hit [R]..... and the plex block turns into grey hull! I [R] the next plex block, the same thing. I take the long way around to the inner plex doors, enter My station, enter the build block, replace the plex doors, then go to dump My new loot into the storage..... ALL OF THE STORAGE UNITS WERE EMPTY. All the thousands of ore, all the hull, all those docking expanders I bought to equip the station. Gone. The storage, and the station itself, had evidently reverted to a certain point before I had put anything into them.
    Displeased, I log off and do RL stuff. (Parallel ports, laptops, and really old MIDI hardware, glob help Me).

    So I log back in several hours later, hoping maybe the server's database had un-derpped itself. I check My plex storage: Still nothing.
    "Oh well" I think, and decide to head out to the star fighter and take out My sorrows on the nearest pirate fleet. I float over to the new plex hatch, hit [R]....... AND IT ALAKAZAM'S INTO GREY HULL.
    That is a very strange bug... either talk to me, gromvar or stararker in-game and we'll sort it out. Your place is definitely haunted :p
    I've never heard of this happening before, nor has it happened to anyone else... nor do I think I'll be seeing this specific bug again.

    In the mean-time, I'll go over to your place if I can and see what's going on myself. If you could give me the sector, that would be great. Items can be easily put back in, you can just reel off a list of the most important stuff you had.
    Jun 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    That is a very strange bug... either talk to me, gromvar or stararker in-game and we'll sort it out. Your place is definitely haunted :p
    I've never heard of this happening before, nor has it happened to anyone else... nor do I think I'll be seeing this specific bug again.

    In the mean-time, I'll go over to your place if I can and see what's going on myself. If you could give me the sector, that would be great. Items can be easily put back in, you can just reel off a list of the most important stuff you had.
    Looks like it was just a one-off issue - all fine now.
    Oct 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    Yeah, continued playing for a few hours yesterday. All the mega-voodoo-weirdness that was going on seems to have stopped.
    Good stuff.
    Jan 5, 2014
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    eelviny do we have a voting page and if so where?
    p.s i play this server every day and i love it
    Mar 9, 2014
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    • Arrrty Gold
    Seeing good reviews so far. Will come in to try it out. prepare your tea.
    Oct 21, 2013
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    i parked my ship near spawn when i went to bed so i could find it and when i went on someone destroyed it while i was sleeping, did find last ship and it was gone. i am planning on making a cool ship, but if all my work is gonna be destroyed i don't want to now.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    i parked my ship near spawn when i went to bed so i could find it and when i went on someone destroyed it while i was sleeping, did find last ship and it was gone. i am planning on making a cool ship, but if all my work is gonna be destroyed i don't want to now.
    Welcome to starmade. If you leave something in the most populated sector, it will get damaged or stolen. Thats the way of any online game
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    Reactions: Unnamed25
    Jun 16, 2013
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    Upgraded to the latest version - was waiting for bugs to iron out.
    Since we're using all saved stuff from previous versions so no-one loses their stuff, ask an admin to replace a less fancy disc planet with a more fancy dodecahedron planet.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    When is the speed limit going to get raised from 50 to something more enjoyable?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    At the time I posted that - it was set to 50 - then it got bumped back to 250, then back down to 75, then back to 250. I looked on the plex forums and I did not see any postings of issues or reasons why. Thank you to responding to my post.