just posting my ideas

    Jul 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Ok these are just a few ideas if you like them leave a comment please

    why not add something like organic hulls that regenerates like if you place two side by side and one gets destroyed then the other one will regenerates after awhile as long as the other one survives and the longer the hulls live the the more armour they get and hp they get until they have like 300 hp and 50% armour

    It would also be cool if there was a weapon that fired a inflected block and if it lands on a ship then it will latch on and start infecting other blocks slowly and these blocks aren't effected by shield's and if it infects a weapon then it deactivates it.

    I was also thinking about a weapon that shot egg's and these hatch into little flying bugs that attack anything that sent them (just think of those bugs in wreck it ralf) they would require some kind of close ranged weapon eg acid spit so you could go into a sector and get swarmed by them

    also it would be awsome if there was some kind of tractor beam or a grappling hook that you fire at enemy ships that latches on and stops there escape forcing them to fight to the death

    it would also be cool if you could program the bobby ai like the kodu programming

    for example:when see asteroid move towards stop 500 meters

    when astoud within 650 meters use weapon salvage connons

    when see not astroud move to new sector/wonder

    when cargo full dock with faction base(maybe)

    more ideas coming soon
    Jul 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    That organic hull sounds like the ships from the game Genesis, where the ships are like a combination of organic material and computer tech. I like that idea though, same with the tractor beam. the other ideas i\'m not too sure on.
    Jul 18, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    as I said I am just posting my ideas but yeay even im not to sure on the infector block gun thing as this would be to annoying forcing every one to get out and clear the infected blocks on there ship so not too sure as a small ship could easly hinder a massive deathstar or even disable it given anough time

    but the bugs(the hive maybe) I think would be cool as they would devoure and breed becoming a massive threat eventally forceing all the players to band together to take the threat down if they dident deal with it when it was young I think this would be cool but if it gets to out of hand then there should be a admin cammand to kill all of them or just make a new galaxy or mabey they could be a way to control them making a evil option to that war meaning anyone at anytime could attemt to control them like a hive qeen for there own porposes

    and the kodu program bobby ai would expand the things you could do like faction wars and aotomatic harvesters this could also mean a faction or person could be a super power in the game cammanding a massive amanda of ships