Slave Effect Computers
Looking at this idea Jump Drive Overcharge, it inspired me to think "how cool would it be to patch in another computer to the jump drive to create some crazy effect the same way we slave weapons with each other and also effect computers.
Slave effect computers to the Jump Drive.
- Overdrive for extended jump with longer cooldown or slower recharge after jump only
- Explosive effect for instant charge and severely long recharge afterwards, due to burn out.
- Or perhaps have the drive experience actual damage like being shot with a missile and have the drive disabled to simulate a massive shunt of power, thus shorting it out.
- EMP - maybe creats an EMP burst behind the ship to disable pursuers
I don't have any ideas for what the following effect computers could do, but I'm sure the community could think of something.
- Push/pull effect
- Ion -
- Piercing
- Punch through
- Stop
Jump Drive Operation Mod
An additional Jump Drive operation I would like is the ability to jump whether fully charged or not. The jump distance would be dependant on the charge. It should be easy to work out on a percentage basis, where if the jump drive is only 50% charged, it would only jump half the maximum distance. This would allow for a quick escape for craft that don't have defensive or attack capability.
Looking at this idea Jump Drive Overcharge, it inspired me to think "how cool would it be to patch in another computer to the jump drive to create some crazy effect the same way we slave weapons with each other and also effect computers.
Slave effect computers to the Jump Drive.
- Overdrive for extended jump with longer cooldown or slower recharge after jump only
- Explosive effect for instant charge and severely long recharge afterwards, due to burn out.
- Or perhaps have the drive experience actual damage like being shot with a missile and have the drive disabled to simulate a massive shunt of power, thus shorting it out.
- EMP - maybe creats an EMP burst behind the ship to disable pursuers
I don't have any ideas for what the following effect computers could do, but I'm sure the community could think of something.
- Push/pull effect
- Ion -
- Piercing
- Punch through
- Stop
Jump Drive Operation Mod
An additional Jump Drive operation I would like is the ability to jump whether fully charged or not. The jump distance would be dependant on the charge. It should be easy to work out on a percentage basis, where if the jump drive is only 50% charged, it would only jump half the maximum distance. This would allow for a quick escape for craft that don't have defensive or attack capability.