Jump Drive and Better Nav System

    Aug 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello! Not sure if this has already been discussed, but I didn't see it in the first 5 pages of the Suggestion forums, so if this has already been tapped out, apologies.

    Ok, so basically navigation in Star Made is do able, but not easy.

    So I had a couple ideas.

    1) Nav Computer: This would allow you to enter a set of coordinates, and it would highlight that sector, allowing you to fly there normally. The coordinates would include both Star and Sector (as it is now, if I'm in 6,8,-11 and want to get to 3,4,-5 in another star system...good luck :P)

    2) Jump Drive: Allows you to jump from sector to sector like the admin command. With both a charge up and cool down. Upon arrival your sheilds are down for a couple seconds. More Jump Drive blocks mean faster charge and cooldown. Requires Nav Computer and can only be used in your current star system.

    3) Star Drive: Like the Jump Drive, but allows the players ship to jump from star system to star system (requires both Nav Computer and Jump Drive) Longer cool down and charge up when changing systems.

    Anyways! Love to know what you guys think!
    Oct 6, 2013
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    Hell yeah! Finally someone who noticed something\'s missing :)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    you have very good ideas
    your first point has already been incorporated in the the game where you travel in a straight line towards your destination with the only turn around being entering and exiting star systems. i also agree with you that intersteller flight will bring the game to a new high allowing for intersteller war on a scale that i dont think could be found anywhere else(if it can please tell me i would be interested).

    But i think that having drives like that in the ship would be a bit to simple not for the reason you would only move from one place to another and that is to simple but becasue it basicaly means that you could travel over 100 sectors in less than a second. i myself lean more towards the possibility of jump gates that can be made by players to suit the needs of their faction ships. but that is my opinion.

    oh and with the nav system, i think custom way points that are attached to entities would be a good idea. somthing like a space station could have a homing becon that you could access with a reciver if you knew the authentication codes
    Sep 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    i was actually thinking if the jump drive required some sort of beacon to be placed by the player first and when you open up the nav map you would lock onto said beacon to initiate the jump. It\'d save it from being too OP
    Jul 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I have been thinking about something like this too, though not with the use of a NAV CPU. There would be 2 blocks, a Jump CPU, and Jump Enhancing Units. The Jump CPU would be like a weapons computer where in the weapons menu you can select it to a usable slot. The Jump Enhancers would ONLY increase the maximum allowable jumping distance. Recharge time of the jump drive would be directly proportional to ship size (i.e. small ships = short recharge, larger ships = longer recharge). When you activate your Jump CPU, a little dialog box opens asking for a NAV Input (the sector that you want to jump to). The action can be linked with the admin command, but it will be limited on distance depending on the amount of Jump Enhancers. The Jump CPU could be programed with a default sector to jump to, like your home base, so that in dire situations when you clck on your jump drive to use it, your home base is already put in and you can jump there. And one last thing about the recharge time, it should be relatively long (say the minimum recharge time would be 30 minutes) so that it is more of a strategic thing to use than just a way to navigate faster.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen
    Could you make it proportional to the mass of the hyperdrive versus the mass of the ship, so that way I can make a small scout capable of going great distances rapidly? Also, you should probably add a brief charging time (~15 seconds)