
    Jan 25, 2014
    Reaction score
    Funny wants you!

    i need your best space jokes and 1 liners you have. post them in the comments. so you jr. han solos, bacas and jedis. well a jr. jedi is a padowan but you get the jist, hopefully. so what are you waiting for? the rest of this pragraph is just goind to bee starwars jokes so get typing. the three topics a pick up lines, one liners, knock knock, your moma and misc. note, some might be drty :)

    pick up lines of the galaxy:

    are you a jedi because yoda one for me.

    come on baby im tired of walking, han, solo.

    I bet your toung is chewy.

    sorry babe, i baca go.

    one liners:

    sorry i cant think of any at the moment so enjoy this pic.

    ( ) ( )

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