You are right Danzarlo, I have built this ship, and its reasonably big, and i realized it was almost useless as a miner, so instead im making it into a combat ship, and it has more than enough space to pack a lot of guns, so far I keep emptying the shop stocks, but it can become quite fast, and its already doing quite a lot of dmg, I am also trying to find something to fill the Sphere at the front with, and insofar i have been ussuccesfull. I can upload the file, but it isnt really finnished, it\'s still quite slow, with the warp engines only half full of engines and power storage, i have made a deck out of all the weapons, and have been filling the bottom with shields and power generators, but the shops are always out of stock :/ I have also created two turret docking areas, one at the top of the sphere and near the back.