Jath's attempt at a skinning tutorial

    Jan 31, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Arrrty
    First thing I have to say is that I think you should give yourself more credit for your skin-making. It's very nice, and you seem to grasp simplified-beauty VERY well, which I admire. ^_^

    Secondly, while I think the above video is valuable to look through for new skinners, I think some parts of putting the skin together in the program could have been fast-forwarded a bit, and more emphasis put on how you make the .png files into a .smskin at the end.

    So I consider it definitely worth a look for someone brand new to skinning, but may be less helpful to those who have made skins for other games but don't understand how StarMade specifically puts together skins.

    Overall great work and great skins! Thank you!