It's over 9000 (questions on power)

    Jun 19, 2013
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    I've tralled over google, the forums (as best i can) and youtube in search of the most efficient 5x5x5. I've seen claims of generators producing 11k regen 9.5k and 9.2k. I've managed a 9111 and put the blue prints on the forum. But i've not found any evidence to support these other builds, after literally hours of trying to squeeze out anything more that 9111 i'm at a loss. So if anyone knows if it's possible please let me know and how to do it as i'm at a loss currently and don't feel like spending more and more time in search for these unreachable outputs.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    This really is a nice interesting challenge. At first I thought you were forgetting part of the game mechanic or something but boy was i wrong. After a couple hours of tinkering I got up to 9597, so those claims are obviously correct. the 11k I really do think is impossible, unless some radical new design I can\'t see is responsible.

    The easiest way i know to describe it is. X=block, O=space, and stack the layers on top of eachother. The pattern is pretty easy to get, and you can see how it could be applied to larger spaces. (note layer 4 is different from 2)

    X O X X X

    X X O X O

    X O X O X

    O X O X X

    X X X O X

    O X O X O

    X O X O X

    O X O X O

    X O X O X

    O X O X O

    X X X O X

    O X O X X

    X O X O X

    X X O X O

    X O X X X

    O X O X O

    X O X O X

    O X X X O

    X O X O X

    O X O X O

    X O X X X

    X X O X O

    X O X O X

    O X O X X

    X X X O X

    It should be noted that while it is space efficient, it is not mass/blocks efficient. The same 78 blocks I used can be arranged in a conventional large 3d cross for 31,358 power/sec, so if your end goal was to use this on a cloaker there are more efficient setups.

    on a side note this problem can be brute forced, by running every combination of each space either having a power generator or not. However that\'s 2^125=4.25*10^37 which as far as i know is FAR out of the range of the world\'s most powerful computers to do in a reasonable time.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    wow, habnab just wow, pefectly explained and your design is awesome. Thank you so much for further explaining something that i felt i had a pretty good grasp of. I bow to your greater wisdom, again thanks. :)
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I just tried it and I cant believe it works... I think im sticking with fopsy\'s design though because it is easier to remember for me then this one. I wonder why power blocks work this way.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I like that consept, as much energy in a 5x5x5. But i have a GAIANT ship; How would you make a 10x10x10? And how much energy would it make?

    Challenge: How much energy can u make a 10x10x10 cube produce?

    ~You-Go Have Fun Now.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I was able to get 9.4k out of my design, but stopped after that. I already spent half a hour working with 60 blocks, didn\'t want to spend 5 times of that to get past 10k.

    10 x 10 x10 Would probably net you over 30k
    Jul 2, 2013
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    Please keep in mind if your goal is to maximize space methods like these are the best but if your trying to maximize power with the least amount of blocks you need to be expanding the dimensions of the energy regen blocks. A balance between the two can be found to create smaller ships without having to make one giant strand (by splitting it into 2, 4, 8, etc. strands).

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Here\'s a link to another thread where I explained the layout the the 5x5x5 cube I\'m using that generates 9927.5 e/sec.

    Below my post agentEE7 does a nice little breakdown of how this reator is structured to provide this amount of power. I\'m trying to break 10,000e /sec, but I\'m not really making any headway on that front.