Issues with mac

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Hey everyone, I was hoping to find if anyone else has had major problems with Starmade in their mac. The Starmade Staff is working on my ticket, but they seem to be just as unsure as I am with the issue. My problem is no matter what I do or create, the server always sends error messages and none of my ships or terrain changes will save. If I exit and log back in, I am in the same spot, full inventory, but no ship. The ship actually doesn't exist anymore! We changed the file location on the hard drive (I am using the launcher on steam) and I even unlocked filevault and changed the folder settings to allow read & write access. Has anyone else out there had this problem? I love the game and the community and having to build from scratch every time I place is getting exhausting,
    Feb 1, 2015
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    I run on a mac, and choose to run on the mac side instead of bootcamp to save the bootcamp's memory. Also the bootcamp side has issues with the mac's graphic drivers.

    The issues I have had are as follows
    1. I can not save my information, for the starmade link. it gives me an error about not filling in all the information
    2. I get an odd audio error, it fails and says things like quit and retry. Any option freezes the game, but a restart of the game fixes it all.
    3. lasers continue to fire (the graphics) even after they stop working
    4. every time I enter single player it is a new world, but my blueprints survive
    I use steam, and it warns me on launch that it can not locate the game files but I assume that is because I have the demo version till the weekend.
    Have you tried docking the ship before you leave? or using a blueprint to take it apart and keep it in your inventory?
    Feb 1, 2015
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    I have, and even the dock disappears. The other issue is that when I try to save a craft to a blueprint, there is a save error. Absolutely everything I have tried yields a complete loss of anything involving terrain and ship. This is even the case if I am in the ship when I leave the game. As for all of your issues, I have not seen anything like that. I have had a few random crashes, but I attribute it to it being alpha. Hopefully the community can help us out the game is too fun to stop playing!
    Feb 1, 2015
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    I can if you really need them.I sent them in with my ticket and admin couldn't find anything. We have narrowed it down to something security related with OSX. I tried turning off filevault, my firewall and changing the folder permissions all without any luck. I did however find a work around that makes the game playable like normal. Turns out when the game first came out on steam, players were having the same issue. The fix is to create a ship core. If you try to claim it or dock it or destroy it, the game crashes. If you create it and log out, when you return it is gone....but now anything you do will including ships. I let the troubleshooting team know and they are baffled, they couldn't see any reason why that makes sense. So if anyone else has seen this recently, that is the best solution I can offer.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    I heard about that, and I honestly believe the problem is with Steam itself, not the game. Every time it's mentioned it has to do with steam in some way shape or form. I've seen a few games that had independent standalone version and a steam version that could connect to the same server(s), and the steam version always seemed buggier.
    Aug 5, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    i use mac, have none of those problem
    1st make sure your osx and java is the latest version