Is there any way to stop people from using the Catalog in the server?

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Idk why you would want to stop people from using a feature, but you could adjust the prices so that it is not feasible to buy ships whilst still maintaining a perfectly fine economy.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    It\'s an awesome feature. I love the fact that no matter where I create my ship designs, I can save them for future use, instead of losing them if the server gets shutdown.

    HOWEVER, the problem is that in the current alpha version, players are able to cause servers to have severe lag and even crash from spamming massive ships over and over. So some server owners have been forced to disable or limit the use of the catalog just to keep their server from constantly crashing. It\'s a shame, and I\'m sure the situation will improve as the game gets further along in development, but for right now I can understand why someone might want to disable the catalog for public servers.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Another valid reason could be the admins don\'t wish people to come on to a server and within their first hour spawn in capitol ships and wreck havoc. I\'d personally like to have a server where you actually have to work to collect and manufacture their ships. The excuse \"Oh well I have to spend credits\" is quite pointless speaking I could kill a pirate or sneak my way into a pirate station and have max credits within an hour (and that\'s being generous).
    Jun 24, 2013
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    You highlighted the real problem, which is the the balance isn\'t where it needs to be regarding how easy it is gather a substantial amount of credits.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    There are several problems with server blueprints. It\'s a great feature for an individual but not for a large group.

    Right now you can basically make any block trivial to get as long as you have money, even on a server like mine with a more balanced economy. People just make a big block of whatever blocks they need and then buy/harvest them over and over again using a ship block or a build block. This makes it where you literally never have to move to get every single block you want. Blueprints are your shop.

    The other problem is that if you have blueprints on a server, people just get OP ships off the internet they have no clue how to build themselves and load them into the server. Then you have like 10 Battlestar Galacticas running around, 10 Giant frigates that look exactly the same, and so on. It\'s stupid. People should be able to enforce building your ships LOCALLY on your server.

    So what we need is,

    1. The ability to prevent blueprints from outside of the server\'s files (that you save yourself).

    2. We need a way to stop people from farming their own blueprints for blocks.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    With 1, that pretty much defeats the purpose of blueprints in the first place. The whole idea is to bring your creations into multiplayer to use and show to others.

    As for 2, the only way I can think of would be to limit the ability to spawn things like ore. Anything else could probably be easily circumvented and/or do more damage to gameplay than it improves.

    EDIT: Actually, I take back what I said about your second point.

    There is a way to fix this, and that is to require that the player have the necessary materials on hand to spawn the ship.

    If your blueprinted ship was built with 6,000 hull pieces, 1,000 generators, 12931wtfbbq antimatter cannons, and 2,000 engines then you would have to have 6,000 hull pieces, 1,000 generators, 12931wtfbbq antimatter cannons, and 2,000 engines to build the ship. A nice touch would be to allow you to choose the color of the hull as well.

    And suddenly, people have something to work for again!
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I was able to shutdown the uploads of blueprints by changing the permissions on my linux os to read only for the blueprint directory, as well as all the other files and directories in the blueprints directory. So if you are running a linux server just change your perms to rrr or 444 which ever format you prefer.

    As to whether its a good idea or bad idea, I have modified my economy to more accurately reflect the availability of items. Grey hull which is easily obtainable in mass quantities is now 2 credits and has 10 hitpoints with no armor bonus.

    I was having trouble with players uploading 0 credit battlestars and xwings, which was rediculous. So I still have a harvester and the default ship available for only pirates with me as the owner also set up as read only. You have to check those periodically to make sure someone has not been able to overwrite them.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    What if you are just allowed to spawn one ship at a time and if you want another one your current ship gets destroyed.