Inventory management!

    Jul 4, 2013
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    This is a suggestion from me and my friends:

    We like to play the game without cheats meaning we need to get all the loot we can. This isn't helped by the fact that it takes as long as a baby hippo being born to move every single item from you inventory to a chest or vise versa. Please schema, pretty please add some inventory managment shortcuts such as shift-click or ctrl-click to help us move around items easier.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    At least some shortcuts would be nice, so would a \"take all\" and \"store all\".


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    and make it so that when we grab items while our inventory is full they stay put rather than just being destroyed if we grab them
    Aug 14, 2013
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    quick stack, removes only items in the chest from your inventory, and it would also help a lot if we could see more of each inventory at once if not all of it.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    C\'mon guys. Do you really think this should be an aspect of the game you want to be worked out in an alpha stage? Is this breaking your game?

    When making a suggestion you need to think about it\'s importance in the game, how difficult is it to implement, etc. I\'m sure schema will work on that in the future, but we don\'t know if the inventory will change anyhow in the future, so why should we worry about something that could change?

    Did minecraft worked that out in it\'s alpha or beta? No.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    You\'re right, it was pretty late in minecraft that they added inventory shortcuts. But then never in minecraft alpha did we have to deal with thousands upon thousands of crazy looted blocks which fill up your inventory faster than a kangaroo and messier than a turd. I have spent a long time with inventory management, and yes, I would definately say that it disables the game in a small way. Though I do not think this is \'breaking\' my game, neither is anything else more so than this. The game is entirely playable at this stage, hence the suggestions forum for new features. I also think that this would be relatively easy to implement compared to some of the other stuff on the forums.

    So yea...

    Inventory management for the win!
    Aug 8, 2013
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    Yeah, I understand your point, but I\'ve to say that inv managment in minecraft was way harder, just because stacks size, and that never stopped you from playing it. While I\'m building something in starmade I can have ALL the blocks I need to do all the ship, from hull to systems. While hunting pirate stations for loot, mining planets, of salvaging ships or stations, I\'ll ofc need to use some chests, and it is a pain in the harse to move all the blocks from one side to the other.

    But, do you want schema to change that just now? And if he decides that the way the inventory works now don\'t fit the game in a future update, during the alpha or the beta time? Shouldn\'t this kinda of tweaks be done later? This is just my point...

    Alpha time should be used for testing game mechanics, like fighting mechanics, build mechanics, the way things work (for example the docking issue), stress test to get see how the game engine reacts to loads of players, etc...

    If we start sending lots of feedback to schema about minor things, like inv managment, new weapons, skins, etc... What\'s the point? We\'re not helping te game to evolve.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    I don\'t think you quite understand what I want and sorry if I didn\'t make it very clear. I simply want two new implementations. 1: Quick empty of your inventory or a chest. 2: Some sort of inventory overflow type system.

    Both of these things are tiny compared to the changes with docking and other mechanics. This is a game mechanic and not very different from implementing new build mechanincs.

    One thing I definately DO NOT want is limited stacks since thousands of blocks are needed every few minutes for building decent ships which would drain a minecraft inventory way to fast.

    My point and the purpose of the suggestions forum is that this would be a very useful addition and if this isn\'t implemented, something else with equal importance (to me) will be.

    I understand you point but I don\'t think it applies to the very place where suggestions like this are supposed to go. I am however totally with you if you decide to make the same point to people who want automatic repair drones and halo technology in the game at this point... Ain\'t nobody got time for that!

    Thanks for the comments though!
    Aug 26, 2013
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    I spend almost as much time organizing my inventory as i do raiding the station. I\'ve found putting chests on my skip-ships to be the best solution to this but its still time consuming.. Tempted to just store everything in my store at my base and set the value of all the itmes to 0.. that might be much easier