Inventory - Items disappearing?!

    Oct 23, 2012
    Reaction score
    Hello starmade-community!
    I found a bug on the eu-server (
    I took blocks off my ship to my inventory while i was in build mode and my inventory was full. The blocks that were not in my inventory that time, but which i destroyed on my ship were just not collected. Silly me destroyed all thrusters without getting only one to inventory -.- . So i flew to the next shop just by core (yes, i did; yes, it took some time). When i first selled some blocks of my inventory and then buyed some thrusters, they were not in my inventory as well. So, in fact, i cant get thrusters any more because i deleted them from my ship without a free slot in my inventory.
    I hope you will find and fix that bug in one of the next versions, because without thrusters i will have some disadvantedges on building ships :D. Until then i will have to build the ships (or just their thrusters) in singleplayer and upload them as blueprint.
    My clients version: v0.08968; build 20121103_072120; Launcher Version 7
    Greetings, Nexu18
    Jul 9, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    hey buddy!
    Check your messages, not because of this, but because you won the ship challenge and your ship witll be in the game as a default attack ship. Would you like to name it? Message me.
    Oct 18, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I'm experiencing the same bug; I didn't notice how it started, but I now am unable to acquire Factory Inputs. This happenned in singleplayer. Also, on the EU server, I the same thing happened with ship cores HOWEVER, after buying several I could still build ships, even though no cores appeared in my inventory! It seems like I actually possess the items, but they act as if they're in a "hidden" inventory spot.