
    Sep 21, 2012
    Reaction score
    I spend most of my time hauling shit everywhere, putting shit in crates, selling shit. I know I shouldnt do things like this, but I do infact need most of these items, and I have future use for them. Ships need their own cargo that you can access while flying. Also when looting pirates any part of your ship should be able to pick it up, or at least some type of automated tractor beam that pulls drops into your ship. Or plex storage could also run over things and pick them up in a ship. Also you should be able to dump your entire inventory into a crate at once. Same goes for shops, you should be able to sell things easier without looking for them in the shop menu or shuffling through your inventory to get them on your quickbar, just to sell them in the shop. I pick up a lot of good shit that makes bank.
    Nov 12, 2012
    Reaction score
    Being able to sell to shops with out going between tabs would indeed be nice. I personally would not want default storage on a ship, but possibly a module like the plex storage that tied its inventory to the ship and expanded based on module count would be pretty epic.
    Also the idea of picking things up via tractor beam would be interesting as it would require the choice of staying to loot or continue to chase the remaining enemy due to the time it would take to retrieve the items.

    Great idea\'s mate keep it up!
    Apr 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    but schema has already said he is going to make these things better in the future. He has already stated that how ships pick up loot will be improved, inventory sizes will be changed, and the entire shop interface will be changed.
    Pay attention little men, and be amazed at how many redundant statements you utter on this forum.