Intergrating 1.0 and 2.0 power

    Feb 21, 2015
    Reaction score
    A quick thought:

    Fully integrate old 1.0 power to give 2 generation options:

    1.0 'Reactors' would now generate just like 2.0 but the scale and rate of potential e/sec is modified by rules similar to XYZ (rather than just straight block count as in 2.0)

    1.0 'Capacitors' would now function like stabilizers, but follow group-size rules similar to 1.0 (ie group-bonus, not block-count/distance) to determine their efficiency.

    ...this would need to be scaled and tested to balance against 2.0 power gen in nominally comparable builds...
    Feb 21, 2015
    Reaction score
    (somebody disagreed with my very odd)

    anyway, here is another quick thought:

    re-tooling stabilizers for power 1.0:
    in this scenario capacity and power 1.0 is kept - now stabilizer function like capacitors, with both regn and capacity determined by rules based around power 2.0 separation distance concept. ... again arriving at 2 alternatives to power-system building

    again this would be scaled to nominally similar ships using the different systems - eg 100% XYZ utilization of 100 reactor/capacitor blocks should be equivalent?/near equivalent? to 100 reactor/'stabilizer' blocks at 100% efficiency distance ...