Intensify Planet Gravity

    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I was flying some 300 mass type of ship and landed on a planet because I felt like it.

    I noticed I could not "escape" the planet's gravity. I thought what a MAGNIFICENT concept. I had to strip away some of the ship to get it to finally escape the gravity (I think falling off the edge is cheating and should not be allowed somehow btw).

    Please consider:
    1. Make the gravity of a planet start pulling you in from double the distance away (or triple)
    2. Make the "difficulty to escape" 3 times as hard.

    Make those big ships THINK TWICE about approaching planets. Only ships with solid thrust can land and escape again. No more Star Destroyers landing on planets and taking off again. Only people who have small ships or big ships purposely considered to be able to land on planets should be able to do so and escape again.

    Please Add!

    Being marooned on the planet was such a good thing, conceptually. Seriously make planet landings only for ships who can take it. Increase the thrust-to-mass requirements. No more ramming planets with Star Destroyers, unless they want to make it their permanent home!
    Jul 30, 2013
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    Jun 19, 2013
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    look at this video from Halo ODST it is the lass mission now notice the cruisers flying above the city,

    now notice later the 5000m long assault carrier sitting above the city i think that looks awesome i don\'t care if my planet is attacked as long as i get a view like that

    you can see the huge assault carrier show up at 6:35

    but i do think that if ships enter an atmosphere too fast they should burn up
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like this idea. I don\'t like ships that have poor thrust ratios, so while my own designs will notice a but of a snag, I would love to see others crash onto my planetary bases and stay still so turrets can eat them up!
    Jul 26, 2013
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    Or planets could have a random degrees of gravity and range. Not all planets in real life have the same gravity by far. A ship that could land on say earth or the moon, would easy be grounded on jupiter. Same could be applied in starmade, making low gravity worlds easier to harvest or attack and high gravity worlds easier to hide small ships on.

    As for anti-cheat bit, you could just shoot/salvage your way out throu the planets bottom.

    On range, you can actually hover a large ship inside a gravity field if you come in slowly and break. I do this with salvage barges at 80-130m\'s over planets.

    Finally if a \'big ship\' is appoarching your planet that close, its guns are very very fail. A large turret should hit out to 800m or more. Well outside of gravity range. I have a ship design with 40 block length, around 300 mass that has guns that hit out to 1100m. No amount of gravity field will protect your planet from large ships if/until planets and sectors become many times larger.
    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    As all planets in this game appear to be the same size and are all solid, they should all have the same hardcore giant-ship marooning gravity.

    I think intelligence needs to be brought into this game - if you are stupid with your ship pay the price, in money to hack on temporary thrusters, or begging for help, or whatever. Also a great escape for small ships away from big ships