An initialization error sounds like a bug to me. If I were the dev team, I'd alter the game keep a bubble of 27 chunks (3^3) initialized around all astronauts in the shipyard area to keep them from seeing this problem.
However, that doesn't take into account the admins being able to increase the maximum advanced-mode dimensions. However, it would be relatively easy to implement math to increase the loaded chunk count, based on the current selected dimensions. (E.g. ChunksToLoadX = ( Ceil ( ( MaxXLength * 2 + 1 ) / 32 ) + 2 ), repeat for Y and Z, and then multiply the three numbers together to get the number of total chunks to load, centered on the astronaut.
Example Result: if the maximum build length across all 3 axes were set to 200 instead of 10, the game would need to load a total of 3,375 chunks (a cube of chunks, 15 per side), centered on the astronaut.
Additional geometry math is needed to check for intersections between multiple astronauts' Chunks-To-Load and consolidate all of them so that overlapping chunks are only loaded once for all astronauts.)
If the devs were to maintain some sort of dynamic object chain that describes all the chunks, it would be relatively easy to compare to another astronaut's list and to update the list as the astronaut moves across chunk boundaries. (Need to update to unload unneeded chunks and load in more, to keep the group of loaded chunks centered on each astronaut.)
Right now, I suspect the game only initializes one chunk at a time, per astronaut.