Current jump-drives effectively just use the "/change_sector" command; making this suggestion work would require fundamental changes, one way or another.
For example, if a "hyperdrive" system is added, it would be logical, and simpler, to have this be influenced by inhibitor radii instead of jump drives. It is, I believe, common consensus that a "hyperdrive" system would be a continuous FTL system, which actually moves a ship through space (or some alternate layer thereof), whereas the current jump drives function as point-to-point FTL, which is unaffected by any interuption which is not at the starting point.
On the other hand, if the functionality (near-instantaneous, point-to-point) of a jump drive does not align with Schine's intentions for what a jump drive "is" (eg. if it is intended to represent the ship actually moving through space to its destination, albeit quickly and possibly "out of phase" so it doesn't collide), it seems likely that some limited raytracing between the two points of a jump could readily decide when and where a jump is inhibited.
Overall, I agree with the idea. Inhibitors being viable as a blockade tool would make for much more interesting gameplay, in terms of piracy and associated counterplay, as well as military conflict. Personally, I'd prefer to see this feature implemented alongside a "hyperdrive" system used by most ships, and an alteration of jump drives to make them longer-range, as well as very difficult to utilize on small and/or unspecialized ships (obligatory comparison: the jump drives used by capital ships in EVE Online).
EDIT: Increased clarity.