So far, in starmade, you have a lot of carreer options. You can mine, you can run a crafting factory, you can trade, and you can fight pirates and/or players.
The problem is, you can't make a living designing ships. Sure, you can upload them, but when somebody buys them, you get no money. And you can't make a station or something that holds ships for sale, because it's all too easy to steal them, at least in my experience.
I see two ways to fix this. One is a simple quick fix, but it doesn't really allow shipyards and companies to develop. Also, it becomes too easy to steal ships designs and take credit. This is: Let the designer of a ship take 10% of all profits he gets for it.
The second option is more in depth, but allows a bigger economy. It involves removing the option to buy ships from thin air entirely, which might be a good idea, after all. (It kinda breaks immersion to find an undefended salvager and have the player pop out, buy a combat craft, and smash you to spacedust.) This idea would involve allowing stations (and maybe ships?) to create a construction facility/drydock/shipyard/whatever. I don't know the specifics yet, but you would need to have factory inputs and such with the materials, and then you would input some data device, and the ship would build. BAM! Shipyards have to create their own line of products, you can't make ships appear out of nowhere, you can see a ship before you buy it, and ship builders can charge whatever price they want (provided people will pay...).
Of course, these would be popular raiding targets, so defences would be set up around them, and attackers would come to get at the free riches inside, increasing the livelyhood of the game.
tl;dr: add options that allow the designer of a ship to get money from his/her effort. Either this is done at the catalog screen or designers need to create shipyards to sell their wares.
What do you think? Please comment and suggest changes and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading the wall of text! EDIT: Yes, I searched before I posted. There are ideas for shipyards, but only one I found actually adressed the issue I had, and even that, indirectly. It was also old, so I figured I might as well start this guy.
The problem is, you can't make a living designing ships. Sure, you can upload them, but when somebody buys them, you get no money. And you can't make a station or something that holds ships for sale, because it's all too easy to steal them, at least in my experience.
I see two ways to fix this. One is a simple quick fix, but it doesn't really allow shipyards and companies to develop. Also, it becomes too easy to steal ships designs and take credit. This is: Let the designer of a ship take 10% of all profits he gets for it.
The second option is more in depth, but allows a bigger economy. It involves removing the option to buy ships from thin air entirely, which might be a good idea, after all. (It kinda breaks immersion to find an undefended salvager and have the player pop out, buy a combat craft, and smash you to spacedust.) This idea would involve allowing stations (and maybe ships?) to create a construction facility/drydock/shipyard/whatever. I don't know the specifics yet, but you would need to have factory inputs and such with the materials, and then you would input some data device, and the ship would build. BAM! Shipyards have to create their own line of products, you can't make ships appear out of nowhere, you can see a ship before you buy it, and ship builders can charge whatever price they want (provided people will pay...).
Of course, these would be popular raiding targets, so defences would be set up around them, and attackers would come to get at the free riches inside, increasing the livelyhood of the game.
tl;dr: add options that allow the designer of a ship to get money from his/her effort. Either this is done at the catalog screen or designers need to create shipyards to sell their wares.
What do you think? Please comment and suggest changes and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading the wall of text! EDIT: Yes, I searched before I posted. There are ideas for shipyards, but only one I found actually adressed the issue I had, and even that, indirectly. It was also old, so I figured I might as well start this guy.