Increasing our ENGINES

    Dec 2, 2013
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    If anybody knows, and im sure you do, sci-fi ship don't just have a thruster on the back of the hull, they need and engine inside the ship. This usually powers the thruster, along with consuming energy from the ship, often with a consumed resource, such as dilithium, in the case of Star Trek.

    With engines out and about, we would probably think "Hey! Why do we only have Hyperflux? Why no Faster-Than-Light stuff?" well, Iv'e thought about this, and the speed of light is 1,079,252,849 K.P.H. the regular speed being 50 K.P.H. Quite a difference... However, we could have a second best alternative: 10,000 K.P.H. this, of course, would slow down most people's computers, and, as i have tampered with the max thrust and acieved this speed, could crash the game. So possibly we could try some kind of Hyperdrive. Something that would allow for accelerated travel.

    The way this would work is you would select it by putting it on hotbar. Then when activated, like radar jamming and cloaking, it would stay on until deactivated or power ran out. during activation, all surroundings would be blocked by some kind of Hyperspace-Warp-Transdimentional effect, much like the effect seen on Star Trek 2009 during warp. The speed indicator would show "Hyperspace Speeds" rather than an actual value. When Hyperspace is deactivated the game would calculate how long you had been in this Hyperspace, then apply how far per second you travel, then drop you off at the calculated endpoint. i know this will raise the question "What will this look like to other players?" Well, I say to that: they would see one of three. 1). A streak of whatever the Hyperspace graphic looked like flying past. 2). A warping of the backgroung and entity visual flying past, simulating extremely fast travel, or 3). A "Ghost Image" of whatever the ship you are flying looks like.

    Thank you for reading, and thanks Schema for such a great game.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    I disagree with hyperspace, or warp type engines.

    I do however agree with \"cruise\" engines, which would require charge time and only go 750 Max.
    Nov 15, 2013
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    why not just use like a homeworld-style hyperspace system?

    like just straight up teleporting the ships after theyve charged up their hyperspace cores sounds like it\'d be a lot easier for servers to handle.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    I dislike the idea that any ship with a hyperspace core can go from one area, to a completely different one.

    What is stopping a fleet of dreadnaughts from warping in from nowhere, blasting something, then running away?
    Nov 21, 2013
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    The main issue with going fast is not speed, but acceleration.

    The limit of 50 is only enforced by the server speedlimit. Even relatively small thrusters are capable of exceeding twenty times that speed, the only thing stopping them is that setting.

    However with the current acceleration ability, it takes forever to go fast. Even if your ship had unlimited speed, with the current acceleration it would take you about six real life months of holding W without a break to reach light speed.
    Nov 15, 2013
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    simple: have a hypercore take an assload of power to recharge.

    so if youre in an enemy\'s base and you want to hyperspace jump out, you\'re going to have to turn off your weapons and engines and wait for it to recharge. hyperspace jumping would be a viable and fair tactic because they can surprise you but they aren\'t going to be escaping anywhere.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    His system implementation requires nothing to move. The suggestion is so it would calculate time in \"Hyperspace\" and teleport you accordingly to the place you \"Should\" be if you were traveled at 700 kph.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    Not to mention that the are parameters in the server.cfg that can change acceleration aswell.

    PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.09 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown
    PHYSICS_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING = 0.09 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown

    Here is the copy&paste from the file.

    Set the to 0 to have almost real-life -like acceleration and movement.

    Also, the PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING parameter, once set to 0 can really make for a nice throttle mechanism, where you simply accelerate and once you\'ve reached the desired speed you can simply stop accelerating and it\'ll mantain it.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    I find that current acceleration is too fast for big ships, and should be nerfed.

    Equally, small ships should accelerate faster.

    But i still have issues with \"hyperspace\", being that instant teleportation should be reserved for admins.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You are specificly talking about adding a faster speed.
    Which has to deal with the ability of the SERVER to keep track of an object moving that fast.
    Currently it doesn\'t handle this very well, and I think it shouldn\'t.

    At the moment this subject has been talked to death, and there are alternative ways to get somehwhere without killing the server:

    Warp: Where your ship moves through subspace. See it as moving through Minecraft\'s nether. You move 1 here, you move 8 in real space. When you exit warp/subspace you pop up 8 times the distance you traveled.

    Wormhole: Where your ship moves to a specific destination without the option to change course halfway.

    There was another more complicated idea I really liked, it was about actually shooting yourship into a trajectory into subspace and making sure you re-entered normal space near a star or planet to use it\'s gravity to make sure you didn\'t went \'through\' normal-space into the horrid \'negative subspace\'. But that\'s for another discussion.

    TL;DR: Just flying faster is a good way to kill a server, use another method.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Maybe we could type in the co-ords of a sector into a nav computer and you\'ll get an effect like the jump gates in EVE.
    Oct 14, 2013
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    Additional mechanics from Homeworld would help with this. For example, only frigate class ships and up could hyperspace, meaning smaller craft would either have to dock with a larger ship or use a hyperspace gate like the Vaygr. This could be implemented by making the hyperspace core be a minimum size to function. By doing this, you limit how small a craft with hyperspace can be, other wise the core would be easily exposed. Larger ships would also either have to build a larger core or additional cores to jump once beyond a certain size.

    The hyperspace gates would almost be like Mass Relays from Mass Effect. The difference being that Capitol ships and up can\'t use them as they are too large. In other words, if a ship is large enough that it requires additonal/larger cores, they can\'t use these gates. Frigates and lower can use them and it is a free jump that cost no resources. You of course would have to make two gates and link them to make a working gate system. There is also a one time activation fee, but once the gate is on, it remains on. Using faction blocks would limit the use of the gate to only your faction, unless an enemy faction changes the signiture making it their gate.

    Also like said, ships would have to power down weapons and engines before using. That was one danger to jumping in Homeworld, there was always that couple seconds where your ship is a sitting duck and could easily be killed.

    It also cost resources in Homeworld multiplayer to jump. The farther you jump and the larger your ship, the more it costs you to jump. You could use credits or natural reasources to power this mechanic. So regardless of whether or not your ship can power up the core, if you don\'t have the resources, you can\'t jump.

    Also the game had hyperspace inhibitors. These created a field that would not only make ships drop out of hyperspace but would also prevent them from jumping again so long as they were in the field. This would help prevent your issue of suprise attacks. It wouldn\'t stop them, but it would help.

    Also both Mass Effect and Homeworld have Giant Gate systems that any ship size could use free of charge. These would be found and not built however. They would be like stores or stations where you just come across them. They also would jump to predetermined destinations and can\'t be made faction exclusive.

    Having a system like this is yes more complex than just making the ships faster, but it could be a cool set of mechanics and change how warfare works in starmade.
    Dec 2, 2013
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    People! if you had read the whole suggestion, you would know that i had said that the thrusters would need engines, and that these engines would require power and a resource of some kind. With my proposed \"Hyperspace\" drive, it would have a certain charge-up time, then take you to a new \"Dimension\". you would stay here with the graphic flying past you. In the real \"Dimension\", the dimension where starmade is and has always taken plade, other players would see you as some kind of a blur flying past at 10,000 K.P.H. this, or course, would still have collision physics. When you drop out of \"Hyperspace\", the game would calculate youe time in hyperspace to the speed of 10,000 K.P.H. and put you where you should be. The WHOLE reason for the dimension change part is so that the game doesn\'t have to render a massive ship going at massive speeds, avoiding any lag or game crashes or lag from either the pilot or any kind witness in the ship or outside.

    Please, i feel as if i have had to restate the entire post above. Next time, save everyone from obvious self-solving problems by actually READING the whole post. thank you.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    i think it should just be made simple. there should be a charge up time and a cool down time based on how far you are traveling and the size of your ship. as for accually moving i think you should just type the coords into some kind of nav computer then it calculates your course so you dont run into anything. there should only be graphics that other people see when you warp to speed and then unwarp and mabye you will see some sort of graphics while your warping. the charge up will allow for the sector your warping to load and make surprise attacks as bad since they cant run away right after.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Nothing, I think, but considering that the economy should be more balanced, you won\'t see too many fleets of Dreadnaughts any more. If you do, then you\'re screwed... understandably. If a bunch of huge ships from an advanced and established star navy or marauding fleet come across the wimpy fleet of a weak, just-starting-up faction or race, blow the crud out of them, and take whatever the wimps are carrying, there\'s nothing imbalanced about it. (IRL there are moral questions, but why the heck would they care anyway? I wouldn\'t.)