Improvements to inventory.

    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen
    Serious limitations on the number and amount of stacks is a poor idea.It would make building stuff extremely difficult. Just finding storage for stuff would be a hassle. Here\'s my thoughts:

    1: Plexstorages on ships become \"storage chests.\" These can hold up to 1000 items in stacks. To migrate, let players take items out but not let them put more in than allowed.

    2: Plexstorages on stations stay the same.

    3: New block added, called the \"cargo container\". Holds 5,000 of one type of item. Can be chained together to hold more. The advantage is that you can access one of them and get all of the blocks stored out.

    4: The problem is player inventory. How do you make transferring between ships, stations, and factories easy enough to be practical but discourge players from running around carrying everything they need anyway? How about transporter pads? One of these is a transmitter. Stick next to a salvage computer or storage. Then stick a reciver on storage or a ship core. Range of about 200-300m. If you stick a reciver on a ship core while in build mode you can place any block in the attached storage on your ship. If you stick a transmitter on the salvage computer it will send all the blocks into storage while avoiding clogging up your inventory. This means a finite inventory is feasible. To set up the transporters you would get the blocks close enough to transfer, open a UI on one of them, and select the partner.

    5: To manage inventory on the same ship/station between different docked cargo pods or factories or different groups of cargo containers, there would be a block. It would list the names of all storage devices and factories (yes, storage blocks/groups should be able to be named for management) You could use it to set rules, such as how items coming into a transporter pad should be sent to different cargo pods, or what resources should get sent to which factories. The management block could only handle blocks on the ship/station (though that includes transporter blocks on the ship/station)


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Stack size limitations, PlexStorage blocks acting as storage (naturally), and ship construction being able to draw directly from a shipyard.

    If inventory is full, salvage lasers dump resources into the first available position in the PlexStorages.
    I like the idea of being able to move things around with a Storage group GUI though - make sorting things a lot easier.

    PlexStorage blocks get adjacency bonuses instead of each one being its own thing, and you have cargo space becoming a viable option for ships. Freighters ftw.

    Problem solved.